If you didn’t vote spirit weapon’s consider yourself an opp

bow moves, it makes sense for vetex to make it so it only works on bow moves and stuff that can make sense to have a rain of arrows type move

ur no fun :angry:

I’m gonna skibidi ur house with 507 attack size beast instinct… :japanese_ogre:

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i will charge my flying pheonix

I’m using slowness gel gg

i won a 1v2 while i was on pre-nerf slowness 5, u aint winning

yea I am this is what I look like in-game:
hey girls : r/GoCommitDie

mods, take away his anabolic steroids

HERE IM THE FUCK. do u not care about me? infamy is just a game thing and abraaham tf just kills me and uses me like the hell a dildo. do u not care about others u ignorant sneeze? cant u tf be nice to anyone i think you have corona or something because you have to go ask ur fat ass mom to go to a therapist to fuck someone and go away. you probably have problems your own like ur mind is not good. im telling u bro go to a doctor and then murder yourself and go the bloody hell away bitch. if this is what u want to do, hurt other people? then ya better go to hell they like it there. so for god sake dont be so rude to anyone and just go play adopt me. AND NO IM NOT OVER IT YOU HURT ME I HAVE PROBLEMS IRL LIFE AND THIS IS HOW UR DOING? LIKE A DEBILE U TYFUS NERD! GO DO THIS SHIT SOMEWHERE ELSE CAUSE I DONT LIKE THIS AND UR BEING FUCKING RUDE TO SOMEONE WHO IS ALREADY HURT IN THE HEART


man, take ur pills

silence, ignorant sneeze.

gun draw… mirrored river…

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dmg always happen after visuals, easily parriable

erm actually my sigma stat prevents you frum parrying soooo ur dead smh :money_mouth_face:

(and we’re playing on a 1049392834759243754 ping server)

way more moves you say? how so? the max for any weapon we know atm is 5 moves. 5 moves per weapon = 15 moves total for warrior. Mage has 16 ALREADY, conjurer has way more than that and most other classes do to (except for knight). So no youre literally tripping

ah yes make weapons even worse

why are you attracted to aliens brother

lets assume the absolute best and say that warrior’s weapons are going to get 6 moves each and warrior’s second awakening will be a 4th weapon slot

it still is only equal to mage at 24 moves, not surpassing it

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the first part could happen but the second part got flat out denied and therefore will never happen. Thus, warriors would only have 18 moves in that best case scenario

edit: actually it got flat out denied for the first awakening, not second (mb)

anyways i really dont see the big deal with this change. Unique moves (rising tide, fury of the sea, prolly crushing judgment and ethereal flash too) are still locked to their respective weapons and you still cant customize the size, shape etc of the weapon abilities. You can legit only customize your weapon’s basic ability loadout. I could see sunken staffs for example be pretty good with pgale but if thats too op then just nerf pgale on sunken staff or sunken staff in general if necessary?? I really dont see the issue with this proposed weapon customisation

the reasoning was also confidential so it may conflict with some future warrior plan or was already planned for something other than first awakening

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I can’t remember but pretty sure I voted for spirit weapons on this even though I’m a savant that focused more on weapons, strength and magic instead of vitality lol, I want vitality builds to actually get what they want for once, plus spirit weapons I feel have taken way too long to be added.

The reason was likely confidential because of this proposed rework