If you didn’t vote spirit weapon’s consider yourself an opp

Wait does that mean I’d not be able to use the weapon skills from boss weapons skills onto the old weapons version?

with the way that’s worded I genuinely don’t see the point of the rework.
If you can’t put unique weapon abilities on other weapons then what’s even the goal?

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Bro I’m gonna genuinely freak if I can’t use more skills on my old weapons again, savant probably gonna get screwed over again if that’s the case lol,

can anyone explain what are the ‘‘weapon skill changes’’ pretty please?

Basically, you can take the skills off of one weapon and put them onto a different weapon provided they’re compatible. Unique skills such as rising tide are exempt from this feature.

that kind of sucks since most people, warriors or conjurers will have access to cooler weapons like vindicator sunken sword and if they`re not compatible with one another then itll be boringggg

That’s what theo brought up in regards to the change, all it would bring is more time spent balancing the inevitable broken skill combos

Honestly there probably gonna limit certain skills to only work with certain weapon types hopefully like swords being able to use flash striker or whatever it’s called but not a gun

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can’t wait to use weapon skills on some of the most unfitting weapons (devastate with a rapier yipee)

not real

I literally gave an example in that post and you still dont see the point?

If said abilities are unique then yes. Elius scimitars for example dont have unique abilities so you could use those on old weapons. But ethereal flash is unique so you cant use that one on old weapons

This only works with compatible weapon types btw. Youre not gonna be able to use gun abilities on a sword for example or a rapier grab on a hammer etc


I was clarifying

How the damn topic about spirit weapons turned into topic about weapon’s skills customization?

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It’s been changing after the vote ended LOL

I voted for weapon customization and whatever again :slight_smile:

We don’t gotta explain why bruh


bro did not just ignore the entire 600 reply thread for this one question

why would we not, spirit weapons was the correct option

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