If you didn’t vote spirit weapon’s consider yourself an opp

The retcon effectively said two things:

  1. Every vitality build is capable of casting magic as they have enough spirit energy to efficiently fight with, which is what I assume qualifies for “high” spiritual energy.
  2. In vice versa, every magic build would be also be capable of casting spirit attacks/rites seeing as they all possess the ability to produce magic circles

pov: you played the new update and learned spirit weapons only have one move

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so basically

mages and oracles are literally 2 sides of the same coin

making them the “stronger” of the 4 build paths

does that make paladin just as strong or is it still weaker due to being a hybrid?

pov: you learned that it has 0 cooldown and thus creates an even more powerful castle build


wait send a video of you spamming the move

I’ll try to record it

aa technical difficulties
I’ll just upload it on discord and try to post the link or something

I hope this works

wow that takes literally no HP from you lol

what are those other skills tho?

(do they work or nah)

nah, they haven’t been added
astrapikis is one of the unique moves, will probably summon a lightning bolt or something
spirit barrier sounds like it’s a shield move

now just give it more atk spd…

the only reason why vetex nerfed attack startup is because of this
source: trust me

Why can my warrior also use it? Is it because it’s the weapons basic move?

they should be able to use it
I don’t think it actually requires any vitality to use

Yeah, I kinda figured

you’ll still get reduced damage because it’s not a part of your build