If you had to permanently lose the ability to use one reaction emoji, what would it be?

  1. :heart:
  2. :+1:
  3. :laughing:
  4. :open_mouth:
  5. :clap:
  6. :confetti_ball:
  7. :hugs:
  8. :eyes:
  9. :st3:
  10. :sob:

for me, it’s gotta be hugs

either shocked face or eyes, they serve similar purposes

shocked face

1,6,2,8 because i never use them

4, 7, 8, 9

idk what the hell the lightning one is for people keep using it randomly. others are just useless imo

Lightning is forum moment, I think

Kill shocked face

  1. Feels kinda cringe ngl.


Shocked face gotta go :open_mouth:


:clap: idk if i’ve used this once

“shocked” and “eyes” mean nearly the same thing to me so maybe I’ll take down the eyes cuz its got no face

3 no question. if I think somethings funny I use :st3:

ah crap

every 30 minutes the forums decides “hey lets put an 8 month old post on this idiots new topics” and i fall for it every time

speaking of…

It’s been 10 days up your game man

i just saw this on unread topics so i decided to necrobump…

im coming back to this months later trust me bro :pray:


this isn’t very used often and if I wanna celebrate something there’s always :st3: or :confetti_ball:

def 7