If you made a robot what would it look like what would it do and would you make it sentient

title says it all sdjkehfsegrbhghbh

it would look like a heap of scrap metal, it would spark sometimes, and I do hope it does not ever become sentient

very practical and useful robot indeed much creative :nod: :+1:

Idk anything about building robots, but assuming I was a genius that did:

I’d just have it do menial tasks that I’m too lazy to do; fix my bed, do my laundry and clean my room, etc. . I might program is to learn recipes from the internet and how to cook too

Definitely not giving it sentience

I’d make nanobot/those little robots from big hero 6 and have them basically be able to form into any shape that I think of, plus I’d make them have a suggested thing almost like the chat thing for mobile or for google docs

If I had the ability to make a robot, I would specifically make it one of those boxy, stereotypical robot made up of metal. Then, I would make it a custom suit, name him Bob, and make him a hybrid of an Alexa and a waiter. Next, because I feel lonely for Bob, I would make a little robot family all for him, most likely including a dog. Instead of making Bob serve my whole lineage family, I would make it have permission to leave once I die. Though Bob was meant to serve me, I don’t want him to feel like a slave, so I’m basically only having him for a couple hours per day helping me if I need anything. I would also build some type of transmission in case I need him for an emergency. The thing about Bob and his family is that they have many different forms implemented into their system. This way, in case somebody comes to visit me, they could hide as a bookshelf or a type of ironing board. Of course, this is all complicated to do, but since this is a hypothetical scenario this is exactly what I would want

I would make a robot and make it sentient but not give it a physical form nor will i give it to much freedom i would just study what it does

I’d make it the ultimate battle bot, a machine of carnage and destruction for the sole purpose of fighting against other machines of combat inside of an arena for a TV show that I oddly like more than I should.

Since it’s capable of murder, no, I would not at all make this thing sentient. Unless I got to determine it’s personality n whatnot, then yes.

I would make a robot that can save people. His name would be Gerald.

I will make a robot that makes robots and make it sentient because idk and watch him slowly build an army and then commit brutal massacres against the human race then act like I had nothing to do with it when captures

me with emp:

There’s one answer to this question that we all know is out there, but we don’t want to talk about it


I just had a dark thought.

we all did

I didn’t have it until RetroPlant said

Itd be a computer with a sentient ai meant to help me with everything i want it to.
Itll be like a very loyal butler thats pretty much a human, able to talk to me, play games on Roblox, etc, with its own personality and everything
Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V
Infinite friends
Assign them tasks to analyze the market and stocks
Get stonks
Make them all learn how to code
Ez game production

man idk im too tired to answer these specific ass questions make it more simple

I’d have a giant robot dragon. Yes it would be sentient.

my robot would look like a cat cus cats are cool. its purpose is to help me commit massive tax fraud and launder money from my drug cartel so obviously it would be sentient.