If you wanted a species to go extinct what would it it be

What species would you want to go extinct

possibly cockroaches or weed

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Homo sapiens sapiens

You want humans to go extinct why?




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or if you want a less edgy response, cockroaches

and to be clear, no i am not afraid of them

i hate them to the bottom of my rotten core and want them dead the moment i see one

standing on the couch with a broom in one hand and an insect sprayer in another is simply my prepartions to fight with humanity’s worst enemy


I raised cockroaches for ants before, they’re a surprisingly good source for food due to how much they breed, tastes good too believe it or not (a little like shrimp if you boil them)


Were you eating them or the ants???

yeah i heard people eat insects before, they are quite nutrious even apparently

tho unless im on the brink of death im not gonna put those my mouth ( or i can just blindfold myself ig )


yeah, is a good substitute for animal meat for really desperate situations though

yeah they taste quite decent, thing is. I live in NYC, you eat any wildlife here you’re DEAD

Mosquitos are frog food and therefore you are killing frogs. That’s so mean of you.

frogs can go fuck themselves if it means we get rid of mosquitos


Frogs got enough other food, mosquitos can die

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mosquitoes, legitimately useless in the wild since frogs don’t need to eat them and can substitute for things like flies or other small insects.

all mosquitoes do is bring disease and be a fucking nuisance, so they can basically all rot in hell and the ecosystem could give less of a shit whatsoever do to having like literally no role besides being a parasite that isn’t even the main food source of any animal.


Mosquitos are bad but I don’t get very many where I live.
Wasps on the other hand are the worst.
