If you will one day wake up at WoM world-What will you do and what magic will you have? Will you be villain or hero?

Villain, and id have the promethean flame curse and just be god simple

Ill kill the Exiled and steal his gear. Simple. Im no longer a player, so I cannot be limited by RNG or luck-based mechanics. The loots right there in front of me. Just take it all

then you can become minotaur himself by stealing vastira and becoming so strong you can knock out a MG captain with a dagger throw

But you are limited to a single life… You really want to risk it that early?

when was that said
also it always says that ‘‘you got defeated by (insert thing here)’’


I don’t think you can afford hospital fees if you just randomly appeared

they are everywhere

And give between 1-4 crowns…

Also how much are you going to carry with normal pockets?

i mean
im applying the in-game rules to the supposed scenario
so im guessing you can carry 5k crowns

Wouldn’t even cover a small surgery

yeah because your totally going to lose a limb right when you start off
also banks exist
and i think it would be fair to assume that they actually work
i mean you could also just grind your ass off on fetch quests

What if the exiled just kills you, he can’t arrest people since he’s exiled and he got exiled for executing instead of arresting. Minotaur can also kill you, they have random spawns.

exiled got exiled for doing the opposite of what you said im pretty sure (aka not executing)
and also you arent forced to be evil lol
and also mino cant get you if you just stay in town and do quests all day
(or just befriend someone powerful to protect you)

My bad

What’s the point in leveling? You’d tire in the monotony of it with no purpose (yet)…

Who’s to say you even have magic, or that you’re even a “chosen one” that was suppose to kill something evil in Magius. Chances are you’re just a nobody in Magius without magic nor a job.

i cant tell if i should take that as a negative or positive for staying alive

Negative, there are literally 0 restrooms in Magius and the houses are cramped af. No WiFi nor any modern inventions other than guns and lights either.

not if i become a farmer and use my shit as fertilizer

Except there’s no farms either, you’re gonna die of starvation soon

by that logic 90% of magius would be dead
including bosses like mino n shit