If your WoM file was a boss in AO, what would their title and name be?

Jinhao, The Trail-Blazer
Dominic, The Kick-Storm
Melody, The Cold-Torrent
Percy, The Piercing-Wind
Caeser, The Steeled-Mountain
Cyrene, The Duality-Cycle

Blake, The Null and Void

(Oh by the way only 3 of these are my WoM files)

Maple, Eye of the Storm
Maple, Canada
Maple, the best and greatest and you cannot beat them and maple leaves are great and wind and go to the stratosphere

the morron of the sea

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iā€™d love to be Anthea Water (tkjim10) with rock magic

no @Faust and i would be true bosses :heart_eyes:

bosses in the bed?

that would be gay and heā€™s only my habibi

Raven, The World Cutter
Emily, The Ocean Sage
Hawk, The Felinor
Xavier, The Earthā€™s Core
Floyd, The Sea Scourge
Terra, The Iron Blade

Arcadia, The Harbinger/The Bad Omen (Named after the chaos they usually tend to bring to places they visit, which is generally to be expected if you drop a Person Of Mass Destruction in some random village in the middle of the sea. I planned on a 3rd Epithet for them, being ā€œMessiahā€, but it honestly sounded a bit too edgy and I already made 2.)

Ami Drake, The Lightning Rider/The Wild Youth (Arguably the fastest of the 3 Files with Lightning and Water powers, hence first title. Wild Youth was a former epithet early on in AO where she was mainly known for being batshit insane and acting half her age.)

Aksel J. Morris, The Searing Edge/ā€œHair-Tied Akselā€ (ā€œThe Searing Edgeā€ was his Uncleā€™s old title prior to his death, and it was passed down since carrying on his legacy and sword as a mercenary. Before leaving his former mercenary group to work with the other 2 files, he was known as ā€œHair Tieā€ since he never took his hair tie off which retained his Ponytail. He really hated the title.)

Theodore salore. The fallen protector

Dam thar sounded REALLY CRINGE LOL

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