If you've got suspended off the forum, what would be the reason why?

i feel like if i got banned for anything, it would be because a mod got really annoyed with me for saying “cheese’d to meet you” all the time.

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i would get suspended never! but if i did it will be because of big misunderstandings or rule 18

being fucking annoying

skill issue

i not get banned cos im a good boy :angel:

probably from daring maco to suspend me :fr:

I made an event called “SunCry Hunting Event”. Not gonna lie, it was nice while it lasted.

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Slapping someone

i laughed at a guy who posted a forum post explaining that he had covid

dude same

I got banned in game and suspended in the forums for attempting to get another player banned via fraudulent evidence

My only flagged post was for saying that Fat_Fishe was bad. He then got banned.

If I get banned, it will probably be for saying that other banned people are bad. It will be really awkward if I end up meeting them in wherever the banned people go.

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I got silenced and suspended on here before but I learned nothing and I’ll do it again


excessive vulgarity.

I’ve gotten like 3 flags already for this shit
if i get 2 more strikes i’m getting muted

Not being able to resist saying cum magic

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Lmao what.

My roblox alt got banned in 2017 cause I told a racist to stream their suicide.
Wait we’re talking about forums nvm


Constant toxicity

for doing a little trolling

and by that i mean a grave amount of trolling

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