I have been playing this game every now and then for like 4 or 5 years now and have accumulated a massive backlog of bugs and weird tricks so I’m gonna slowly dump them all into this thread
Some of the most inherently powerful or useful tricks in the book. A lot of stuff I list later on will be difficult to pull off without these.
Attaching blocks to your character
You need a Cake
Make sure Anchor is off so that you don’t need to set off to move around (don’t attach it directly to the floor either
1. Place a chair with a pole like this
2. Sit in the chair and place a cake against the pole like this
Anything you place now just needs to be attached to the cake to stick to your character.
Video demonstration:
- If you want to make more changes to the build attached to yourself, just sit in a fresh chair to snap everything like to how it was before you got up and started moving around
Turning players invisible
ok this is serious guys they brought back the snowball cannon for christmas and if you shoot the lower half of someone’s torso with it you can seperate their HumanoidRootPart from their character and turn them into a ghost (make sure you both have PVP on)
if they have cake they can also attach blocks to themself and “possess” objects in this state
anyway this gonna be a build a boat thread i got like a massive backlog of glitches and wierd machines and ill post stuff here when I got more time
^ This one isn’t gonna be around much longer because you need a block from the Christmas event, if you can I recommend getting it while you still can
Morph into a sentient Block
how to become a block in build a boat:
This is useful for trolling because you can invade noob’s building areas and attempt to blend in with their base, and confuse them
- Blue candy from Halloween event
- Blocky avatar, but don’t have blocky arms (this bug doesn’t work on most body types for somea reason)
- Cake
1. Eat a blue candy
2. Place down a chair, sit in it,
Then without moving, delete this chair and place it back down in the exact same spot (if you do this insanely fast then this won’t work)
If done correctly you should suddenly become even smaller than you were already
With the Ant glitch down, all you need to do is attach a block to yourself
Then just delete the chair and the pole and you’re done!
Turning off your collisions will protect you from people attaching blocks to you and anchoring you down, however it’ll make it harder to blend in on people’s boats because the edges of the block will phase through other blocks.
Stuffing pink candy inside will help you leave someone’s plate when you don’t wanna be there anymore
Blocky arms are too big, they will show through