I'll call them heirloom for now

I'll call them heirloom for now https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/6/0/606b5caccd5acf987b993ff39d0ae27261a84ebf.png
effort 4.444444444444445 9 quality 4.444444444444445 9 reasonability 4.222222222222222 9

…well ok after actually seeing those examples it seems alright

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Thank you… The main idea is to have non stackable, singular passives that make the gameplay different. Not the playstile, the gameplay… I might have worded that poorly tho

the heirloom name makes more sense when you see they are single trinkets rather than armor sets and stuff

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Edited the post, please tell me if its clearer now…

sure its better i guess

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hell yeah

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haha yes build diversity

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the Undertale brainrot is getting to me bro I thought this was a gaster blaster :skull:


hell yeah someone bout to make sans (toxin poison-sapphire crystal mage)

I want one that makes a t5 smoke appear every time u block

  • An oxygen tank on your back. Gives you lots of air, but it only comes into effect after wearing it for a full in game day, meaning you can’t just pop it on to go diving and then take it off once you’re done. If it’s active when you leave, it’s still active when you rejoin, but it deactivates once you take it off

  • A gun bandolier with varied arcanium rounds like the one Cooper Howard from fallout uses. Gives armor piercing or something. Infuses guns with a random magic, changes each time you reload.

  • Gloves with little glass bottles in them. When you use a fighting style move, they create green clouds of poison (similar to poison magic) though the glass vials break and have to reload in 10 seconds

  • Really strange one which is kinda dumb: Sisyphus Rock. Back item. Lowers your agility slightly, but your siege weapons gain the option to fire boulders, which are like super powerful single cannon balls

Reminds me a whole lot of Terraria armor bonuses, like how the Forbidden armor set allows you to spawn a stationary dust devil.
I like this idea a lot!

Come to think of it, why is it that 2nd mage awakening gives a third magic, and not cross magoc imbuement?

Just to make sure, the ideas are not for item sets, but for individual items

But yeah, kinda like that

Yeah, I thought so.
Maybe they’re more like the accessories in Terraria then.

Some of them are a bit off but you got the spirit!!

The scuba one already exists in game through potions and gems, but one thing it could do is make sou you can walk in the floor of the sea like you would in the ground (so dash and run but not swim).

And the cool down for activation is just a no no.
There is no problem in having an item you can just swap in and out off, you’re still sacrificing an equipment slot for the buff

I’d like to see something like this that makes you floatier. Like, that’s it. Gravity is weaker on you. This combines both the benefit of mobility and the detriment of being easy to hit when in the air, since you fall slower

To mimick AA?

Bruh but then smash will be less fast