I'll call them heirloom for now

I'll call them heirloom for now https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/6/0/606b5caccd5acf987b993ff39d0ae27261a84ebf.png
effort 4.444444444444445 9 quality 4.444444444444445 9 reasonability 4.222222222222222 9

Not magic mutation/fusion, just being able to imbue one magic into the other

Donā€™t see how thatā€™s different from fusion though

Fusions turned your magic into other magic

Imbuement would be kinda like the eagle patrimony on paladin, but between magic.

Like, being able to cast a water blast imbued with fire, not casting a smoke blast you knowā€¦

Makes sense

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I feel like the concept is good but the actual items and effects couldā€™ve had more effort or thought put into them

yeah thatā€™s literally the entire downside

They were just flavor text to give the idea of what passives would affect, i dont actually want any of them.

Just didnt want people thinking i wanted to add more stats or gem passives to armor

fair i still feel like the idea could be better perceived if u did put more effort into them it would also be more likely to get added cuz then vetex doesnā€™t have to come up with the items himself, just my 2 cents

Fair enoughā€¦ Its hard tho to come with skill and passive ideas without having the focus of the post shift towards it

Like, if i suggest something unbalanced or pointless, it tarnishes the entire post for some peopleā€¦

Either way, have any idea to contribute? Iā€™d love to add stuff to the postā€¦ One i thought of was something that changes your t-jump into a teleport like, straight up warping. Like, it has less range than a t-jump but it would be omnidirectionalā€¦ But then again, afraid itā€™d be deemed too op

true i think i like the warp idea btw also people dont understand how much op stuff were getting soon and in the future so wtever u suggest wont be too far off from wt were getting anyways, were getting gravity magic in the future for cying outloud T_T which will be reall awsome not complaining

I like this idea a lot. I could even see there being Dark Sea Heirlooms that have very strong passives with very big drawbacks. Iā€™d also like to see Heirlooms that focus on specific things like heat-based magics, bladed weapons, guns, etc so that you can make specialist builds

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I know weā€™re getting op stuff, but if the people start crying about my idea because they think it will break the game, it has less chance to be considered i feel

You got the gist of it!! Iā€™m glad

yeah thats a valid point ur idea might get considered more down the line vetex is more focused on fleshing out what he has planned in the road map but your right!

also if u havenā€™t vote on this suggestion its really good

Youā€¦ Realize its my suggestion, right?

bro :joy: yeah im dumb :sob:

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This post is amazing, the amount of detail you put into this suggestion is just perfect and easy to understand, I can see alot of fun and interesting builds with these types of items. I feel like its an armor version of the Musgravite gem, most people wont use it due to what they do and what they affect but others are willing to experiment with them and try to make them good adding more fun to the game and staying off the meta for a bit.


Thatā€™s the idea, promote some aspect of lateral progression.

I dont think they should be better than what we have right now, just different enough to be worth playing

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