Illegal magic fusions

:poison_magic_var2: + :wind_magic_var3: = warm fart magic

:magma_magic: + :explosion_magic: = explosive diarrhea magic

:poison_magic_var1: + :snow_magic: = funny white powder magic

:crystal_magic_var2: + :water_magic_var4: = jojo magic

:earth_magic_var1: + :water_magic_var3: = wet poop magic

:paper_magic_var1: + :glass_magic: = papercut magic

:ice_magic_var1: + :wind_magic_var3: = warm ice magic

:water_magic_var1: + :crystal_magic_var6: + :poison_magic_var1: = pee magic


most mature post of the forum


The chance of surviving is, 0%
Return to vetcord.

please, i wanted to think of mage builds in peace and now you ruined it


How old are you?

well i mean all feces is technically wet but ok

Warm ice magic deserves to die and never return

I meant as in you pour water on the poop

why did I make this post again?

thats mud lol

poison snow?

you’re right about this one ngl


im 99% sure hes 11/12

oh and @DubiousLittleTyp0 you cannot use my avatar in your back

uhm actually I am negative 6 years old