I'm a failure

I made a new clan for personal play, then immediately proceeded to betray that philosophy by inviting a new player because I felt bad for them. They’re super nice too all things considered, but it still bugs me I made my “personal” clan now shared with another player I barely know. K, that’s all, PEACE

i don’t care

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just make a clan for your friends, i have the sovereignty of jimmy (my character is named jimmy crest)
we are not a cult trust
anyways i let people in unless they reach negative infamy contribution then i kick them out

you haven’t posted for 4 years??

you know you can kick him right

Didn’t care enough about the forums to do so

But I’m the one who invited him. Just feels wrong.

It’s not “mean” bruh just kick him clans aren’t a big deal especially a new one

I am a failure, not a coward. I won’t let my idiocy ruin another players experience.

bro it’s not that deep

it’s not that deep
if u enjoy playing with them keep them around, if u don’t then just politely inform them and kick them

bro takes the word kick differently

thy resolve is WEAK

joke asides if they are nice why dont you try getting to know them?

i still personally keep my clan me only cause stranger danger but making friends can be nice