I'm assembling a team

I’m looking for people to explore the Dark Sea with, as doing it myself turned out to be a fruitless endeavour. We could hunt for the Epicenter, or just do loot runs, anything goes.

There are no requirements, just be sorta good at PvE and be prepared to not pilot your ship, unless it’s good.


wait nvm I’m short of this thing called time, and another called money so can’t sorry :sob:

Aw, I got hopeful for a sec :frowning:

same :cry:

I have my claw raised, I am available whenever from 10 am to 10 pm AWST

I can’t srry, my schedule is kinda strict and I don’t think I’m allowed to play

i have a 120+ something brig (maybe 140? i forgot) if you give a time i might be down to join

I wish i had time, or had not been sorta grounded

i’d be down just give me a ping
idk how available i’ll be tho finals is around the corner

I’d join but I don’t:

  1. Have the time
  2. Have the patience for Epicenter runs
  3. Can guarantee I can provide the time (if I do) since things always can pop up

I would, but I got no time…

I could but only for loot runs I only have enough warding for insanity 3