I'm back every body!

Epic save. :sunglasses:

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Tobi you and drip man have to help us defeat him

And desired_bag you helped last time too



Vincent Norris

yeah so uh i got shot by some crackhead with an arrow and now there’s a purple guy floating around me, i think i can help

Wait what

@Tobi you have to bring drip man, with his help we can win

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unknown (3)

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I feel we could defeat him now if we wanted. I’ll go get dancing eggdog. I’ll feel safer if bacon_creator brings Bob Auburn as well…

But do we have time before he swallows us?

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@Bacon_creator, Bob Auburn is our last hope. VVV has surpassed the power of Vincent, Drip Man, and Eggdog. We need Bob Auburn. It’s only a matter of time before he breaks loose…

Once we defeat him, we trap him in that somehow invincible suit sansue made, without all the controls… Too bad he sansue got eaten, we can’t learn from him.

Our greatest threat will be our greatest aid. All we need is Bob Auburn, before VVV regains it’s senses.

I am here.
and i also fixed bob auburn
i just gave him sunglasses

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The trio is complete

Vincent, Drip Man, Bob Auburn

Finally VVV can be defeated…

MWA HAHAHAHAAAA, IT SEEMS YOU BROKE ME MECH NO MATTER I WILL JOIN MYSELF: note this is a pre recorded message and if I’m not their the machine will be set on auto pilot.

You’re already dead my dude

The showdown already happened, the poll was closed, I had liu close the topic

oh… so I cannibalized tobi’s tank for nothing…

cough cough

You were a pretty cool anime villain before he sucked you in and you died

Here lol

google translation doesn’t suck that bad for Spanish lol.
especially not for single words.

try using google translate on a not-so-popular language. that is true suffering.

Here’s something funny I remember

I took the song “Fireflies” and put it through Google Translate like 50 times. I remembered dying laughing with one of my friends.