I'm back, so hello again!

wanna see proof that i was helping a guild member? >:(

boy stop cappin only 1 member in your guild being you + not a good enough reason to hop on wom anyway :triumph:


cmon it was funny to see people mald :joy:

Now let me piss off and lose regular :triumph:

bitch you’re gonna log on 5 days a week I guarantee it :sob::sob::sob:

I might remember you
do you know if I came active around the same time as you
idk I don’t remember people too well

pretty sure you werent active at the same time or project was only partly active

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Yes i will log in but psst dumbass this button exists
I prob wont voice my input but all I need to do is read

so ur basically being a fraud and still gonna use the forum just not while logged in yeah ok buddy

eventually ill be gone until AO :trolI:

Wow this turned into an argument surprisingly fast. Welcome back to the forum tho! Sorry I didn’t see this post, gotta get a good time to start working on the next TOF

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My most pensive apologies. Many around me must regard me as a buffoon, an absolute drooling fool for expressing such an inference upon your state of quarrel with your peer forumers. I cannot beg for forgiveness knowing my critical and grievous faults, only repent silently. I cannot wish more to cast my knowledge of such an epic blunder.

ok thats cool

look at this cow

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Sheeesh :cold_face:

I remember

You changed your pfp?

i remember that you existed i just dont remember anything you did sorry lol


Welcome back

We’re somewhat alive at least and you probably missed the new 2000 or so messages in reminders for AO

Arcane Odyssey feed idk

Anyway, question for you:
Did you finish your 1st HR Project?

Let’s go ur back

Join the gang of forumers who have been here since way too long and not have regular title