Title says all, @DubiousLittleTyp0 and the 2 Punks, dont flood this.
add screech
Forum humor!!!
There’s a very rare scroll that hints towards Mimhere Island’s existance.
@mods save me
ebic mention fail lol!!1!1!!11
I knew it wouldnt work, i checked
Well if you continue I’ll just close this topic
you’re first mistake was mentioning me even in the first place ngl lol
True, my bad
sharks that can swallow your boat whole.
yeah the vetex pregnancy drive is real
I mean, Abyssal and Apollyon level sea creatures exist which can very likely do that
A mainland-like island so we can feel the continent experience again.
Add heavy magic-irradiated seas in the dark seas that inflict high stability and the magic’s status effect to ships and those in the water.
rock paper scissors that you can bet crowns on
I’d say an expansion of the Rival system but Monolith, a company that made a very great rival system in a different Non-Roblox game decided to put a fucking patent on the entire concept of a Rival system, so that won’t be happening.
All companies are against any form of progress, do not forget that.