take a look at how much cargo i have…its quite a bit. i bought it from redwake and i am now at ravenna. its worth almost 1000 galleons.
atm…i currently am holding nothing. arcane odyssey, however, disagrees.
if i die, i respawn in windrow, so i wont have time to get back to my boat before it spawns. id put a camp marker down somewhere, but i cant use anything on my hotbar bc when you are holding an item you cant do that.
im gonna die of starvation soon too bc i cant equip any food items. edit: IM AT 18 RN.
Okay what I want you to do is first look around at the NPCs around you. Then, look at the exact number of crates you have. Calculate how much they costed in total and the probable cost you would’ve gotten in return and realize how messed up you really are due to a bug in the game that you simply cannot fix. You’re welcome