I'm looking for a Sunken Sword

Ello im looking for a Sunken Sword my discord is GreatSpaghetBoi#5552 please contact me there and i am offering one of the items in the minitour set, i have all so if you want the helmet, chest or leggings i am trading one for the sunken sword

I am now offering more things to try and get the sunken sword, i have all parts of the exiled armor as well for anyone who is interested

also someone told me that i’d have better luck if i offered crowns so i have max crowns and the means to get more by also trading rare and exotic fish, so about 5-10k crowns

quick tip: tell us what your offer is here instead of in dms
most traders are too lazy to reach out to people if they dont know what those people are offering. Saying what youre offering will greatly increase the chance of you getting the trade, especially if your offer is good

edit: unfortunately your offer isnt worth a sunken sword. Sunken swords are highly valuable and the only way to trade for one on the forums is to offer equally or overpay for one, which means youll need to offer sunkens or good enchant boss drops. If you want to know more about trading please check out this topic i made: Revamped trading value list

all 3 armors of the minotaur set is not even close to enough

are you crazy? thats like stupidly low value for a sword

best offer ive ever seen

really? :smiley:

agreed but i can top that forceful mino helm for headless

No, misinput is lying. This is a really big underpay.
Or maybe I could be lying to you, this is a big overpay
A very big one

For someone, that’s massive underpay, for another, that’s massive overpay

Sunken swords are valued extremely high, so you are on the underpay side

keen knockback amulet for headless

1 crown for your headless :mariomug:

0 crowns for a headless
no crowns, no head!

youd have more luck trying to buy it for crowns

I’ll give a head full head for headless!!

Shit offer

Papyrus what did I say about sending trades on the forum!

you cant stop me!

Papyrus fanboy, pobably wants him to be his boyfriend
Sanity broken

thats a lot to unpack there, im not ganna touch it