Im making an observation duty roblox game, what map?

Ok so, im making a co-op observation duty game in roblox.
(If you dont know what that is I highly recommend watching Insym on youtube/twitch to find out, he has a ton of Observation Duty genre videos)
The base premise is
Camera Dude:
Watches the cameras placed in several points around the house, memorizing and spotting anomalies (things that have changed from their original form. For example a vase turned into a pen or suddenly has a plant in it), they then report it to keep the camera systems up and running.
Ground Dude:
Is physically in the place that the camera dude is watching. They can report anomalies but since they cant cover most of the building in time they wont spot as many. Their goal is to repair several things around the building to keep the cameras up and to reduce the amount of anomalies/risks
The bad dude of the series. Usually he isn’t a person but now he is. Can periodically send out “personifieds” that will hunt down the ground dude. The less anomalies, the less personifieds can be dispatched. The Hivemind can place certain special anomalies that will place camera dude at risk.

What map should I start with?

  • School
  • House
  • Abandoned Factory
  • Theater
  • Prison
0 voters

I’d recommend instead of having the ground dude get hunted down they instead are just the guy who fixes the anomalies. Like, they can’t lose unless the camera man messes up too much, their goal is to just fix the anomalies by moving them back and also via various tools such as:

The broom (Bash em!)
The mop (Wipe the floor with em!)
The wrench (Belt em!)
"NOO! GO AWAY! (Yell at em!)

My basement

Sounds like a fun coop experience (Insym is great)

To expand on this: it’s also the ground dude’s job to yell at the camera man for false reports, but they don’t know for a fact if there IS an anomaly or not in the room. Either way, it’s the cameraman’s fault