Im making random file generator, give me your feature suggestions

Some of you may or may not know about this build generator i made a while back. I didnt touch it for quite a while, but now decided to try and make ‘stylized generator’, as main refference point i took AO’s main menu, specificly file selection. But i kinda stuck for now…So give me your ideas!

Overall look

What it can do generate:

  • Random name
  • Random amount of magics ; fs depending on class
  • Dodge reflext type
  • Stats that you go for
  • “Mission” / Profession
  • Hair
  • Suggested Vanity + Weapon



go for explosion mage

wind savant?

That’s not what im asking :sob:
im asking for feature suggestions

Maybe a file personality generator here?

Some ideas from me: Energetic, Rash, Naive, Rude, Arrogant, Charismatic, Nervous, Depressed, Childish, Lax, Lazy, Stupid, Adventurous, Brave, Paranoid, Shy, Quiet, Smart, and Nerdy.

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Chatgpt lore?

Maybe use that as a bias towards certain magics or playstyles?

randomized magic/fs skill types

i.e saying you have to use 3 leap spells or something like that

Appreance, reputation maybe even playstyle

Randomized skill naming standard, like Short, Long, Pretentious, Edgy, Fancy, Brash, Etc

Stuff they will likely put in their toolbar’s ten slots.
Either “random generated” based on personality/build
Or player decides to decide personality/build

You could say it’s a backpack with limited space unlike our infinite wardrobe

base a file off of a chemical


Vitality-based doesn’t really work it either gives you a savant or a knight (with magic)

Perhaps make synergies have a higher chance of pairing with eachother as I just tested the website. And I chose mage then it gave me plasma and ice magic, not really a good combo to be honest.

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