I'm Nimona

Hi! I’m Nimona! I like sharks :shark:
Your local trash goblin, fire/shadow warlock, I fish and go for bounties more than I go outside which doesn’t mean much! :smile:

I’m a writer and a youtuber! I write fantasy, and another type of book that is a bit too spicy for this forum! But it’s nice to meet you all, glad to be here!

(You all matter and are deserving of love and life!)


omg it’s literally nimona

Nimona joined the forums oh my days

Hi rb1

A shark can DANCE :dancer:


Literally Nimona from the webcomic ?!??!/1/11.1rwgesthngkmzfsd

Movie’s better ngl

Just someone who has a lot alt accounts (rb1 just leave man I know it’s u)

alt accs god, basically almost every new person gets treated as his alt for sometime lol


welcome to hell, enjoy your stay

@sock can vouch for me, I’m an irl friend of theirs since 2nd grade lol? (I’m autistic I can’t tell if you are joking or not please use tonetags if you can?)

the con of being autistic is not realizing if I’m actually being accused or not lol

smh rb1 doing the “remember me?” scam thinking it’ll work (i do in fact remember them)

You are the real-life equivalent of the feeling of chalk under your nails. I want you to know that’s how it is when I have to deal with your goblin activities.

Hi rb1

I want everyone to know I read “RB1” as “Arby’s 1” and I’ve never even BEEN to Arby’s

Arby’s still mid in my heart :pray:
Arby’s feels over-rated

yea, can’t even eat their food since it keeps blowing up

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Oh sorry, just a running joke in the community here.