I'm not on board with this

I'm not on board with this https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/6/7/675ac72ab5d4c4bd6a495e125688b383e63f6f72.png
effort 3.444444444444445 9 quality 2.666666666666667 9 reasonability 2.6 10

what are you doing realistically to get that 20k such that a ketch isn’t enough

yeah the price is high but understandable, can anyone tell me ways to grind galleons fast?

Mainly cargo farming but ship farming is a good alternative

oh yeah about that, what’s the best route after the cargo nerf?

fair for me it is a mix of this killing planning of any kind if you have over 20K potions that means you planned for it and you are rewarded for it as you don’t have to worry about running out when going to the dark sea

and the fact there no real build-up to portable job tables

you don’t get cooking pot then cooking pot and potion THEN all 3
or limit to unlimited

nothing to you now can do it as much as you want

Idk it’s probably still Frostmill and Ravenna, if not then Redwake and Ravenna

alr ima get cooking

Yeah I always viewed the Dark Sea as a tough thing you gotta prepare for and in return you are rewarded greatly, but now it just seems like a slightly harder grind method.

At least you gotta prepare a good ship still

Sailboat - don’t have to explain
Caravel - slower, less place to carry cargo, less deckhands, only 2 hardpoints, uneven cannon placement, less HP
Ketch- no ram, poorer turning, wide cannon placement,

brig: alot of everything haha

what are you doing realistically to get that 20k such that you need 6000 hp, god tier turning and cannons everywhere

you really don’t get how much 20K is do you?
here a way to put it if your doing cargo runs you and your moving cargo from frost mill to ravenna about i say 60-50 a crate? meaning you need about 400-350 ish crates

so about 10 runs at most with a ketch

try and do something 40 times it’s alot harder than most people think


lemme make a forum post and stuff rq

20k rly isn’t that hard to obtain. It’s only like 1-2 hours of cargo farming

It’s only for Prometheus acrimonies, easy money fr

im doing it rn, tip is to get the quest that tells you to sell 3 cargo to frostmill from ravenna guy, it helps

Doesn’t that quest stop you from making any profit

yeah i get it only when im picking the last crates