I'm pretty worried about new players not knowing weapon customization

I drove him to shell
I traded him food
I taught him how to climb
I taught him how leap and tjump works

well that’s very nice of you

actually hang on i didnt buy him a ketch i bought him a caravel because thats what he wanted

@QsTerFel i let him choose between ketch and caravel
he chose caravel

The heck, this guy is too cute lol

Yeah… he’s definitely not 13

Sounds like your average Arcane Odyssey Subreddit user.

oh yeah, when i asked him if he reads the game tips he says his friend said it was unimportant
‘unimportant’ dude, i got like 40% of my info FROM THE TIPS

Did you tell him to block his bum ass quote on quote friend?

:broken_heart: you exploring the trello, discord channels, wiki not the bronze sea

i did
did he listen? i have no idea

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vetex plans to add one

his post was several days before the roadmap showing the guidebook being planned…

That’s nice and appliable to fighting styles, but definitely not reflex dodges, those are almost NEEDED for current endgame. The fact you can miss out on them due to the fact there’s NOTHING directing you to Whitesummit in the story or general exploration (it’s right next to Palo Town, so you obviously won’t notice it even if you go to it at lower levels). I’m all for exploration, but you shouldn’t be able to miss it.

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yup, you could even explore that island beforehand, see it has the basic fighting style trainer there and not care anymore about that island at all.

it’s crazy how bad it is, but it’s roblox so everyone is fine by always looking up on wiki’s and stuff