I'm sorry, goodbye

Dear all,

Guys, this may be the last you see of me. I am sorry for everything I’ve done to you guys. Since I’m on deaths doorstep, I may as well please everyone with one final wish. @Cryonical @Meta @maple @Misinput @Perf someone permaban me(please or I will just break the rules until I do)
My favorite people were Optie, Deron, and Playrrt



I will not ban you. I can anon you instead

Final chance. Are you sure you want this?

Did you piss off the cartel or something?



who is this random

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Who the fuck are you?

one member of the holy Trinity of arpee, optie, and deron(y) has fallen, and so the balance of the forums is shifting…

(he’s gonna make an alt so that people dont know he’s a 7th grader I’m calling it)

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no like honestly who is arpee what did he even do or was he literally just a random

dude notorious for being literally the youngest person on the forums and constantly spewing brainrot

I guess derons the youngest now? he’s 14

but you’re 13 tho

nice try we both know I’m negative four

smh look at this bozo doesn’t even keep up with the mr_hyperspace lore

So what do you guys think is gonna be the cause of Arpee’s demise?

Like I said I think it’s the cartel

terminal brainrot

In other news, the streak of no anon’d users numbers starting with 2 continues

mr hyperspace

The forums healed by 33%
Good scarifice

But thats not gonna be enough
You acquire 1/17 more individuals.

Who was this random?

He was silenced and made this decision at gunpoint

They are watching.

It may be a little late, but godspeed.
I hope that you survive whatever you’re going through, it’d be a shame to know that someone on the internet which I interacted with for fractions of a second died.

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