I'm tired of your announcements

Fuck it, I’m gonna make an announcement topic with this sooner or later and it’ll just be this. Anyways.

@liu Thank you for making a proper statement and enacting just judgement here. If anything else doesn’t remain, I know for sure you can be trusted.


could someone explain what happened here?

@realisticbanana told @HeyItsMaria that he hopes she dies, which rightfully resulted in a permaban. That said, prior to this happening @HeyItsMaria had been harassing @realisticbanana by spamming replies saying that nobody cares about him

nobody is in the right here but Maria hadn’t been officially punished until now

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I had some really good toast this morning.

Was Maria harassing Banana for some particular reason? Or is it out of the blue?

They’re going to eight grade too which means they’re likely underaged using this forum.

Anyways, I have a strange request. Because banana got provoked first, can I ask for his suspension to end once the third week of august ends? @realisticbanana if you’re reading just be sure to block Maria here.

The suspension does say that he was suspended other times, but I haven’t been active to see those? I have the feeling we need to cut banana a little slack for this.

I know this could go awfully for me but I liked having banana around. Also, I don’t know any better.

We absolutely needed this. Thank you, CrimsonCreate, for adding a clip about DR. ‘Robotonik’ or DR. ‘eggman’ announcing widely that he has a hatred for shadow the hedgehog because he attacked his wife with his private organs.


Eh, not sound mean or sound pretty stupid, but overall it kinda disappointing how people act immature when they get offended over joke or something. Like just get it over, it’s not going end your life or something.

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Drama is quite rare in this forum, but to know it happen and both handled this poorly…
it just pain to read

I guess with AO getting more player base and popular, more bad apples will come up, thus resulting in well… you know it

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recently it became more common

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i mean sure, im getting tired of the game, i onyl come for diving n shit


do you have any particular feedback for the mods or members of the team regarding the situation? anything helps and you can dm if kore comfortable that way


I’ll miss you :sob:

I was more referring to Maria and Banana, and Maria handled this poorly.

I don’t have any feedback to the mod team (at least for now)

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well he DID harass maria, and maria doesnt even know what sarcasm and jokes mean

wait what maria did the harassment first

he retaliated (which is completely justified since maria kept harassing him)


Honestly when I read Maria’s announcement post, she was being super casual with everything she said. I felt like it was just something to gain attention tho and not an actual problem.

very true, is she turning into a attention seeker or some shit

Arcane odyssey forums drama, episode 99