I'm tired of your announcements

Idk but based on how Maria is acting and how banana usually acts it was probably a joke that banana made

Oh ok,and Maria harrased him about it. I’ll miss banana anyway


I can 100% guarantee you that banana was probably being sarcastic to maria before the situation spiraled into the clusterfuck that we are currently talking about

maria on the other hand definitely wasn’t.

So Maria was just spamming banana, I understand banana now. It was an unjust termination (maybe he should have gotten a temp ban but still all he said was kys)

we should honestly host a petition to get banana unbanned (or at least temp banned)

I feel like considering the fact that Vetex would’ve probably said worse to Maria if she had been doing that to him could help that cause

If vetex was in it this would happen:

vetex says something similar to banana in terms of toxicity

gets 21 likes and hearts with clap emojis

bans maria with “in the wrong place” as the reason.

Leaves and closes the topic.

(this is hypothetical but seems accurate)


The only parts I can imagine to be 100% accurate:

Now tbf, this seems kinda possible, but it’d be more thought-out or just harsh in a logically thought-out way.


aight, banana’s ban is no longer permanent. we’ll see him again some time around mid-late october


wtf… guys i cant take this anymore… im quitting this community liu too mean im literally shedding so many tears rn i cant bear with liu saying such hurtful words :sob: thats it guys… this is my final message to yall…

btw cashap 500 USD to *DibsGoneTooSoon1$ as a parting gift!! :crazy_face:


bro got banned for 3 months :skull:

The listened.

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We shall wait :triumph:

Damn… I never realised this was the actual case here. I saw that Maria deleted the message that banana responded to, but never saw the actual message and never really gave it much thought (and as we see I should have lmao).

I’m not defending either party in this scenario, this situation is weird AT BEST. Banana never really bothered me until now. All his prior comments were just… Banana stuff. But that death wish message was the crossing of a line that is best left uncrossed.

I still have no idea what Maria said to him but judging by everyone’s reaction and the fact that she deleted the message suggest that it wasn’t the most… civil thing to say.

I still can’t help but feel sorry for banana. Like damn, the guy was told he wasn’t wanted here for god knows how long. Though he could’ve addressed her privately and in a different manner, I kind of understand him. He obviously just snapped at Maria for the harassment.

As for Maria… I’ll be clear, if things such as death wish messages on the internet devastate you and make you consider it then the internet is just not a place meant for you. It won’t be clean of such messages because it’s simply impossible to accommodate mentally vulnerable people who take things to heart. If that message actually got to you, I wish you a good break, but please take my words (and other people’s words) into consideration.

Also, agree on what you said in your last paragraphs.

How the hell did this start on my goddamn birthday post

Dude, I’m kinda sorry that it happen on your birthday post…

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true as fuck tbh

cant help but pity her though. no one should have to live in california


It’s not really that big of a deal tbh, for me atleast. It was weird but I wasn’t all that affected, I had a good day aside from that.

But thank you for your concern! Much appreciations and thank yous!


if things such as death wish messages on the internet devastate you and make you consider it then the internet is just not a place meant for you. It won’t be clean of such messages because it’s simply impossible to accommodate mentally vulnerable people who take things to heart.

exactly, thanks for saying it better than me