I'm trying to get a max knockback build


and i was wondering if this could be improved upon?

Replace all the gems with knockback musgravites
Apparently, the knockback from that is worth more than the stat gems

Also, that’s pretty close to a build I made for a wind boxing file earlier

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wait but why size

size affects wind knockback more than intensity

yeah and its more beneficial too unless you’re running wind poison/any magic with dot

like Ultimate said, use Attack Knockback Musgravites. I’m not sure if Knockback returns diminish overtime with more Attack Size, but here’s this build. If they do diminish, you can replace some Archaic with Sandy or some Explosive with whatever the Intensity one was.

if you wanna make this more “meta” while keeping lots of Attack Size/Intensity, you can use Calvus’ gear, Argos’ gear for some bulk and intensity, and use Charged/Superheated instead of Explosive/Archaic for a mix of Power and Intensity.

funnily enough, i’m going for wind boxing aswell! i’m thinking wind boxing would deal more knockback than wind mage

using wind boxing Shot sends enemies back quite a bit even with 111 intensity 33 size

i’m going to need to experiment on this. thanks for all the feedback

this is what it looks like with musgravite btw

tested this with %40 knockback power. the height is equal to the titan summit. (+ noticeably more with destruction aura)
note that this is without enchants and with only 1 sandy as modifiers.



current set i have at hand.
going anywhere but up gives weaker knockback. knockback also points towards the cursor if you dont use uppercut.

realized i forgot to remove the enchant from the pauldrons. silly me.

the musgravites are so much more potent it would be a better idea to use thurugiest(?) armor for the three gem slots

my wind mage friend tried it, then switched back to aereus. i dont exactly remember why

i would say just using theurgist is better. then you can choose between size or intenisty enchants


with the changes that happened just a few hours ago, i’d say theurgist is now the definitive answer