Ima move this to another topic

Put me in S I’ve beat the majority of them

Haven’t fought pristine but everyone else I’ve beat and would probably win against pristine

Lost to Visan

Haven’t fought keeper would probably lose

Also add infum

Oh yeah, Level should be on here too, I’ve seen this guy fight(not in real time but still)

uhhh who?

Currently in class I’ll do it in a bit

Make a tier list instead

It’s a lot harder than it sounds

A clip of you fighting to judge off of?

Clipping lags my pc but I got 4

I can fight you later today if you want to see a fight in person

Also one of the clips is against key if that matters

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Also Luna bodies boxi

I’ll accept the duel but I can’t really get on right now because my grades are low (self-explanatory right there, gamer shit)

Who’s Luna?

wait which one

Which one is what


I’m in at least g- tier

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im the best savant grahhhhhhhhhhhh

If I had a nickel for every sand conjurer pvper I’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice

not going to include everyone , mainly just notables and people from your list

my word isn’t gospel, haven’t fought everyone on this list and a ranking list based on skill is obviously going to be pretty subjective

also there’s only like one mage included on this list cause skill is mostly a nonfactor for mage rn, after 1.12 it’ll be easier to tell what mages actually have a brain and which were buildcarried

S Tier:
– KeeperOfOath and Visan (no explanation really needed)
– infuum (probably the best berserker atm)
– ImminentDefeat / Level (solid mechanics backed up w mad game knowledge)
– myself (can or have beaten most people in A tier, have taken some rounds off keeper and visan)

A Tier:
– TheKeyToTheTruth
– boxi2012
– Selectorch
– ArturLP7
– DocTheWarBird
– HolVenom
– Dreay_GD9
– ScatteredAtom
– geko / Zenitsu_Sleeping
– ArmadaStrike

not going to go on cause that’d take too long, mechanics-wise yama plays very very bad and is heavily hp and aoe carried, and judah doesn’t really seem that good from what I’ve seen

so to answer your question the best AO pvper is without a doubt between keeper and visan, but since they’re pretty much dead even w one another you’re gunna have to settle for two winners



everyone else kinda the same

Why is zenitsu here? We only fought once and I was being bounty hunted. The fight was dead even until he pulled out some fuckery when we were both low. Don’t take my word since this was near AO release where everybody was unproven but yea