Ima move this to another topic

Side note: My only nitpick is that I feel you ranked yourself too low…

You are low S, you’re very firmly middle S tier.

I am a somewhat inconsistent player + fairly certain everyone else in S tier can beat me more times than I’d beat them

So since I’m going warlord in 1.12 (Conjurer is fine and really good, it’s just not what I feel makes me happiest)

What’s your plans for your warlord in the future?

I want to get Knocking Fist and Vampirism in the future and maybe go Savant down the line…

might try out cfist imbue and see how I like it when it gains functionality in v1.12. if I’m not a fan it’s back to thermo imbue which affect weapon endlag anyways meaning my build is going to be even faster

for the future looking mainly at radius as it stands, would probably be a real nice imbue for war where you can take advantage of the aoe in a big way. vampirism is also one I’ve considered but I’m not a fan of the downsides

hard to say what I’ll do way later down the line, probably going to end up 800 str 1200 wep for legendary weapons instead of lost fs evolutions, but if any of the lost fs evos are incredibly strong as imbues I’ll go 1200 str 800 wep instead.

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Until more people S tier worthy players start popping up, I think it’s pretty fair

tbh pristine isnt a trustworthy source cuz he was in spearbreak

only interaction I had w spearbreak was a war

oh my mistake then

F Tier:
– TAITC (runs 2 meta builds and still sucks balls at the game)

i want to try fighting some people here, ive won agaisnt most people ive fought and only lost to gimmick builds like speed thermo or ice conjurer (not counting mages here)

you still havent fought me so you dont get the title of worst pvper

I was worst pvper before you ever were
and YOU haven’t ever challenged ME for that title

fixed ur S tier list,

Everyone there doesn’t even come close to Aether or I

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Aether = Visan/Charon/BreakerOfOath/DeityAbove

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who the hell is aether

I just said…

Huh. Not sure how to respond to that now that it dawns on me.

This is the most valid take here. I fought them both with Brady1027 2v2 and they destroyed us within seconds
I had to try and 1v1 breaker (now it deity) and he won in a w and L ratio

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oh man I wonder where that guy went too?

Feels like a lot of suncry members are just in the shadows or smth


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