Imbuement Type

Imbuement Type
effort 4.666666666666667 9 quality 4.555555555555555 9 reasonability 3.777777777777778 9

Imbuement Types

Imbuements right now are a solid(?) system that makes Warlord/ Warlock/ Conjurer, though it feels a bit flat. I believe that the system does have potential to add more customizability to classes and deserves more than to be “Cool visual that changes stats slightly and adds status effect to attack”

Imbuement types would be something that would overhaul the imbuement system as a whole, while not altering it to much. Essentially what it does is that your imbues, whether magic or Fighting style, could have a certain type of imbuement chosen in the magic/ fighting style category. From this you can choose said “type” of imbue which essentially changes factors about it (added effects to a weapon, focusing more on stats or statuses, etc.)

How would this work?

As mentioned above, in your magic/ fighting style tab, once you unlock an imbue, you gain a slot for imbues. From there you can change the exact type of imbuement. Upon clicking it you get a list of possible options you can choose for said types. These options once selected, will appear in your Imbuement GUI, and under the class (magic/ fs), would also show the type below it.

Sub-ideas for this:

  • On your second awakening, you would get a SECOND imbuement option. By this I mean you would get another imbuement slot in your magic/ fs menu. This would still appear under the normal imbuement key bind though, but look like a duplicate (the only difference would be the text under it, indicating type). For normal hybrids, this would be 2 imbuements at max, savants, however only having imbuements in their second awakening, would still only have one imbuement type per magic/ FS

  • NPCs could also spawned with randomized imbues

  • This should not apply to triple-imbues on savants (assuming imbues like FS+Magic+Weapon are a thing for them in the future)

What is the obtainment method?

4 practical obtainment methods I could think should be:

1. You instantly learn all imbuement types on awakenings. Similarly to shapes, as soon as you get your first awakening, you get ALL the options of imbuement, and nothing else throughout the game (maybe 1 or 2 more on second awakening?). The pros of this would be that you wouldn’t have to wait and instantly have all the options accessible to you, giving more freedom to people who just want to try it out. The drawbacks being it kind of removes a sense of “progression”, and after a while they would just feel like another “powerup”.

2. You get imbuement types via level. This would either be normal level, or most likely strength/ magic level. This would essentially make it like spell options, where you have to invest to fully unlock its potential. The Pros of this is that it gives you much more of a sense of “progression”, in contrast to the first method, You actually feel like investing points into a respective stat is much more worth it, to keep on unlocking those imbuement types. The cons of this would be that it forces you to actually commit, so if you really want to play around with imbuements, you have to spend a bit more time unlocking all of them, to see which one is “for you”

3. You learn this imbuements Via scrolls. Similarly to techniques/ spell scrolls, you would have to find “Imbuement Method” Scrolls, that probably shouldn’t be as rare. If this is implemented, only people with a imbuement awakening should be able to actually obtain these, you can’t get duplicates, and they would be non-tradeable. The pros of this would be that it encourages to hunt for loot, and also pads out the pool for “rare” items (though they wouldn’t be too insanely rare), you would also get more of a dopamine rush when obtaining them, since they would help your build out immensely. The cons of this is that it would be a big turn off for people not interested in grinding, and potentially make them hell to obtain to people with bad RNG

4. You learn them from NPCs. Certain NPCs could possibly teach you certain imbuement types for free, or doing a quest, or paying a fee. These NPCs would of course all be neutral, and would be scattered throughout the map, in random places. The pros of this is that it would encourage exploration, and interacting with NPCs (which little players do). The cons of this would be that some people aren’t trying to do all that, and don’t want to spend their time traversing their map to unlock said types.

Out of only curiosity, which method do you guys would be the best ingame?

  • Method 1. Instant Unlock
  • Method 2. Unlock through levelling/ progression
  • Method 3. Unlock via items such as scrolls
  • Method 4. Unlock via talking to NPCs

0 voters


Types of imbuements

Now getting to the interesting part, what exactly would the types be like?
Well, as mentioned before, types would primarily affect how the imbuement works. Certain types could possibly increase the size of the attack, while nerfing the attack, or increase the clash rate, while nerfing the size, or just gave a flat out damage increase, but making it minor compared to other types of imbuements. There could also be more unique effects that I can’t really think of, but I’m sure if this was implemented, the community could think of.

There should be a good amount of types ingame, Personally i believe there should be around 8 at minimum, and maybe around 18-20 at maximum. Having a bunch of imbuements increases the diversity of builds, and gives the player more freedom, so really, the more the better.


Some imbuement types I could think of:

Imbuement Type: Coat: Your attacks are coated in your magic. This makes the attack more “thick” (larger). This would nerf the attack, due to the magic density being spread out to make the attack larger. Visual-wise, this should make the affects of a magic more “spread out” on the weapon/ fighting style, adding more affects, also making the projectiles/ weapon look bigger.

Imbuement Type : Compact: Your aura of your FS/ Magic is compacted into your weapon/ fists/ attack. This increases the clash rates/ damage (slightly)/ intensity of attacks, but greatly decreases the size. of the attack. Visual-wise, It would make the effects of an imbuement much more “condensed”, and “smaller”

Imbuement Type: Raging: Your magic/ FS imbuement becomes much more intense. This decreases damage but increases the intensity GREATLY of an attack, this also slightly increases speed. Visual-wise, The effects become much more “intense”, and “raging” (somewhat akin to fire?). Not too sure how this would work for solid magics/ Fighting styles (perhaps the they could have particle effects like from their respective explosions?)

Imbuement Type: Mellow: Your magic/ FS imbuement becomes much more “relaxed” or “calm”. This would decrease speed , damage, and intensity by a substantial amount, but, the casting casting speed of the attack should be nearly instant, making it hard to predict. Visual-wise, this would have much more “slower” and “relaxed” effects compared to even the normal imbuement.

Imbuement Type: Unstable: Your Magic Imbuement becomes really unstable, causing attack to collapse easily. This GREATLY increases explosion size of attacks, and also moderately increases damage, and slightly increases speed, however, You have almost Zero ability to clash with magic, and all of your projectiles simply are destroyed on impact with another. Visual-wise, the effects of the magic would be crazy and unpredictable, some particles would be slower than others, while some would be faster, same with size and direction aswell.

TLDR; Give imbuements on Fighting Styles and magics more diversity by letting you pick a certain type of Imbuement, which changes how the weapon/ fs will work corresponding to the imbuement, rather than just a flat change.

Appreciate anyone who reads the whole thing greatly, and I would like to hear possible feedback (negative or positive)/ ideas for imbuements. If you enjoyed the suggestion please make sure to vote so Vetex can see it :bowing_man: :pray:


So let me get this right, you would still have your magic on your imbuement.

If this is the case, then i don’t mind the concept of the idea.
Truthfully though, I do not quite understand the feature, since in my experience every imbuement are quite different.
I think it would be a lot of work from Vetex’s side to implement the idea, and I find 2 major problems with the idea, not saying the idea is stupid, just that there are some things that contradict the need to implement the idea in the first place.

  1. The idea shifts the focus away from most builds. All pure builds and vitality builds would gain nothing out of the feature. If the idea came out, certain nonepure builds (warlock, conjuror and warlord) would see more content, than the other builds, which seems like a mistake.
  2. The idea makes it atleast 2x times easier for the before mentioned builds to be unbalabced, the balance is already tough, and this would just make it even more frustrating for people who want balanced builds.

cool, but hard to balance and other builds would also need something cool too


Just give us magic adjective customizability, we really don’t need anything else



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This is enchantment, but with magic/fighting style imbuement instead
I like it

If this means im getting closer to creating nuke then its one of best suggestions i saw there


fuck you forums this is complete

personally sounds too complex

really great suggestion and i’d be very happy to see it but it seems like something to add later on, due to how complex it is, and the fact it could lead to more balancing issues between classes (even if it would fix the issue of hybrids being outshined outside of certain specific op combinations).

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I really like the mellow imbuement idea maybe this could be implemented to all builds across the aboard instead of just hybrids. Just make them auras. I really want the mellow imbuement as a aura would be pretty cool.

I like the idea, but this just seems like shapes and embodiments but for weapon hybrids (not incl. warrior for some reason). It seems like it would be fun to use, but it’s not unique. Some of the imbuements just seem like stat changes that were clearly written with magic imbues in mind. The only imbuement types that seem good to me are:

  • the regular one we have right now
  • im gonna make one up, but a strong one that constantly drains mana and wears out over time and attacks hit (e.g. 3 minutes, each hit reduces time by 20 seconds). after it ends you cant imbue for some period of time and maybe max energy is reduced during that time
  • im gonna make another one up, but an imbue where you actually cast a magic spell through your weapon for one or a few attacks. might be too similar to arcanium weapons but i think lobbing a magic blast through an axe would be cool
  • unstable sounds cool so yeah keep it. but it sounds more fitting for magic attacks instead of magic imbuements, and it absolutely doesnt fit fighting styles

Also, magics are in different states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas magics + plasma as an outlier), and maybe states get access to unique imbuements? Not sure how it would work with fighting styles, but maybe you can do something similar (they might need a completely separate suggestion/idea though).

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