Imitation islands

Imitation islands
effort 4.5 10 quality 4.4 10 reasonability 3.5 10

Island of Imitation

These randomly generated islands in the dark sea are clusters of the islands in the war seas. They can appear in any form, although more commonly as sky islands. They aren’t very huge - most are around the size of Munera.

These islands will imitate the appearence of islands in the war seas, but if it’s a large island like Ravenna or Sameria, only small parts of them will be generated. They are devoid of life, and if there are buildings on it, they will appeae to be crumbling. Certain islands cannot be generated, such as Stepstones, Fort Talos or Mt. Orthys.

On these islands are a large stone platform. Here, the player will fight a corrupted mirage of past bosses. They will, however, scale to the power level of the player. For example, if the player is level 140, and fighting Lord Elius, the boss will be slightly lower leveled than them, and have acess to ultimate art and other types of attacks, as well as increased hp. Attribute will also affect the fight - ruthless Elius will be much more aggresive.

In further layers, players will fight a unique copy of themselves, who share the same build. Upon defeating this copy, it will drop a reflection pearl, which can be socketed onto armour. When a player blocks an attack, it will reflect the attack back to sender, abeit dealing the damage after blocking. A few attacks cannot be reflected, such as Calvus’ 500 damage attack.

This is my first suggestion so it might not be good, sorry.


good idea, but what if the pearl had a ~50% of reflecting an attack so people cant spam parry everything?

A pretty nice idea for a first suggestion, and it does make the Dark Sea more interesting. I do think that we should also get bosses from these clusters different from those we already have in the storyline, just to add more variety to the bosses we can find in the Dark Sea. Something like a mage turned Atlantean Necromancer could be nice.

I think a good rework to the reflection pearl would be if the attack does 100+ (or some other number it doesn’t really matter) damage after all damage reductions it would reflect, it would give like a 10% (again not exact, you can choose the numbers) chance to reflect it per reflection pearl, and if it reflects an instant attack it would still create a projectile for it.

[Player] has reached the advancement [Return To Sender]

my copy having aimbot with the gun skills:

Amazing idea, but the pearl would probably be a little too broken.

Nice suggestion! However, I wonder how this would work in lore…

Aside from the pearl, which is kinda op, I like these concepts somewhat, a mirror fight against an AI of ME would be kind of fuckin terrifying though

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Interesting and creative! :+1:

Vetex doesn’t seem to like addong premade islands to the DS that much, but the idea itself is interesting.

Cool idea, bit iffy on the pearl.

sounds fun for the pve players although the pearl should maybe only work in pve against normal npcs not bosses to balance it and for the player mirage boss fight there should probably be a way that only lets one player participate at a time

players having to fight their own 270 power build :sob:

also unreasonable because if i try to punish someone up close, itll just redirect the attack right back to me. Will NOT be good for pvp, especially when trying to counter a build.

Incorrect. A very good first showing, in my humble opinion.

Revisiting the shades of your past in the Dark Sea, and perhaps particularly vengeful shades at that if you chose to be Ruthless, is a pretty cool idea.

I would say that the reflection should probably be percentage-based, as in, each pearl you socket would enable you to reflect a certain percentage of damage blocked back, like say 5%, instead of the whole attack. This would add some balancing to it, and make it so that if you want to reflect larger portions of your enemies’ damage back at them, you’ll have to invest in it. That way, it makes it so someone can’t be a monstrous powerhouse and reflect all damage back at their enemies with a well-timed block.

maximum agility. Piercing shot. Piercing gale. Rising tide.

That’s a lot of different ways of saying PAIN.

Thank you for all your feedback. I agree the pearl is op, I’m thinking maybe the attacks can only be reflected once, or they deal way less damage.

Also for the copy, I don’t think the AI would be advanced enough to completely learn your attack patterns, so maybe it would behave like a regular NPC.

Wouldn’t affect most punishing (as I understand) because it they wouldn’t be able to block in endlag

I like the idea of reusing bosses and buffing them in the Dark Sea.

The reflection pearl sounds op but I like the idea. Here’s how I would rework it:

  • Each pearl acts as a jewel that only has a special effect potency percent on it, similar to Musgravites
  • Instead of reflecting the attack, it reflects a burst (similar to a pillar explosion that’s aimed at cursor and is medium ranged) that scales in size and damage to the total potency of pearls on you (e.g. 3 pearls is 15% potency, which means you reflect 15% of damage instance with size appropriately scaled)
  • The pearls act like premade jewels so you can just socket them immediately; they aren’t a reagent
  • They give no stats like Musgravites but their effect is more combat-applicable to compensate (This also makes them more balanced)

I like the idea of Jewels that don’t just give stats + a non-unique effect. I think they would make gear building more fun since you aren’t just building for stats.