Imo,AO should have separate pve and pvp servers

it’s never gonna happen, stop making posts about it, its unreasonable and too many problems comes with it such as leaderboards player hiding in pve server only, or “pve” players joining a pvp server to hunt a lb player and go back to hide in the pve server, i’m sure you guys have “solutions” but having 50 different rules to enter each servers aren’t solutions, and thats ignoring all the trouble vet would need to go through to implement that, if even possible (with the rules and such) and elysium isn’t for “pvp” it’s entire existence is for tourneys, semi-official and official one and it will have further use for everyone, in the future

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no, global pvp is made to keep you on your toes at all times

The people hiding in pve servers problem can be fixed easily
You could make people with high bountys not able to enter pve servers, or even have pvp allowed for them in the pve server as long you have the bounty poster

Pvp is kinda of a more endgame competitive thing, normally you wont really see people that dont have a full build attack you for bounty, so its pretty hard to deal with and many just choose to log or run(which sucks for whoever wants pvp)

but that wouldn’t solve the problem of someone bounty hunting a lb player for the fun of it and just retreat into the pve server afterward, and not be affected by the “rules” because his bounty is too low

again, so many rules, so many “solutions”, such an hassle because a few people don’t like that a 14 years old sunk their cargo ship

global pvp is perfectly fine as it is, the game would need punishment given be much bigger to make it so people are much less likely to rk, for starters how heroes can kill eachother while only losing 350 fame, or how a lvl 125 can kill a lvl 50 with 0 consequences, you guys are trying to find solution for a non-existent problem

1, you can literally ask the opponement at mineta
2, gankers exist and they attack lower level players

couldn’t they just make it so you can’t gain renown in pve servers then, cause that way they might not be able to lose their renown, but they won’t gain any either, it’d be the same effect as just not playing

Most of my own worry for the World PVP mainly comes from bored high levels gatekeeping people, and bored PVPers fucking around with people. It’s a big game, there are a lot of different types of content someone could latch onto to enjoy, not just PVP. The problem is the only protection against worst-case-scenario events is to invest into brewing love potions, which not everyone is going to understand immediately or even want to do.

The reason people are so vocally opposed to PVP and start spouting ideas like this is because the safety of their fun is entirely a roll of the dice. Maybe you can treasure hunt for ten hours because you find it fun. Or maybe you’ll get a bunch of legendary charts only for someone to sink your ship and kill you for the hell of it.

I use this statement so much, but the open world is a Sandbox, pve players get the tools to build a sandcastle, and pvpers get the kickball. They don’t have to knock it over, but they very much can.

A lot of people can feel anxious that there are little to no protections in place to safeguard their fun, because whenever a PVP player comes along, you are no longer doing YOUR content, you are doing theirs. You have to drop what you are currently having fun with and scramble to play in a field you are unfamiliar with until you ultimately lose- frustration is a guarantee for most in these scenarios.

World PVP is gonna stay, but it will always be a thorn in the games side. There is no real perfect solution for one side that wouldn’t fuck over the other. Love potions are great for pve players, but can make bounty hunters lives a headache. Every solution that helps one side can damn the other.

Best that can be done is make sure that everyone gets to have fun in as many areas of the game. THOUGH, I will be adamant, that the minimum pvp level needs to be increased. The difference between someone who has exotic enchants, perfect gems, and a curated build & someone who JUST hit 125 is significant. So letting these people attack players before they even fight Elius is absurd.


Do people like PVP? After being on this forum for a while I don’t even think PVPers like PVP

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great reply, but just to add some information, love potions suck, if they hunter has even a pathetic 3 minute drinkable love potion made from one clam and one pink apple, it’s enough to block even the most high quality love potions, at least for a while, its really dumb. there really isnt a surefire way to avoid pvp

i think elysium should be open on some days, like the weekends or something, so pvpheads can get their fill, and pve players could even practice pvp without the risk of losing renown or coins

separate servers for pve/pvp is the nuclear option. There are better ideas that don’t split the community in half


Running away is do damn easy nowadays yk

I would like to pose the following question to PVP players: what reason do you have to oppose this? After all, you don’t have to deal with “runners” or “cowards” or anything of the like any more. You’ll be among your own kind—players skilled at the game that you can fight for a good, cleaner and more fair battle. What’s wrong with that?

The issue is, I suppose, that not all perform PVP for this reason. A small yet noticeable of the fandom doesn’t care about having a “fair fight” or any kind of somewhat reasonable battle. What they want is power over other players.

I’ve been jumped, had my ship destroyed for no reason, been hunted multiple times in a row, been teamed on (they still couldn’t kill me, lol). And after all that, I’ve come to the conclusion that there are exactly two groups of PVP players: the ones who have a sense of decency and look for the genuine thrill of battle, and the ones who just like to enrage others.

The former group only gains from this. The later only loses from it, and thus, in theory, the later group would oppose it more than the former. Now, one could argue on whether this would be worth Vetex’s time. As I am not a Roblox developer, I’m not sure how much work separating the two into “gamemodes” would actually entail.

Edited to sound less like an enraged Twitter user, lol.


I agree that separate pve and pvp servers is too much to ask for.

but I also want to see a logical PvPer rebuttal to this if one exists.

Being honest
Pvp and pve have been really separate for a long time

i’m not