Improved vanity item destruction visuals

Improved vanity item destruction visuals
effort 3.5 2 quality 2.0 2 reasonability 1.0 3

Improvements to current character damage effects

Currently if you take damage from certain attacks, your character slowly gets cuts and bruises and usually these are limited to only the torso and chest pieces

I like these mechanics personally and think more can be added up to them

Examples of the idea

Armor plates falling off at low hp, Hats and gloves getting damaged or torn off when taking fire damage or cuts

imagine your fighting a weapon user and attacks like flash strike additionally also cut down your vanity hats and scarfs, it would add a lot more immersion to the game

How it would work

Essentially, once your vanity item is damaged or destroyed and will either appear damaged or will fall of your character entirely

Armors can also be broken off to reveal the chainmail underneath or can reveal previous damage like scars and cuts

These will obviously just be visual changes, you won't lose any items

none of these will affect stats as well, they are visual only

how would you repair/recover them?

You could make it so that you need to spend maybe 20 galleons at a tailor to fix/recover them

or you can let your character fix their items or recover them over a long period of time out of combat


Improved damage effects where vanity items can be destroyed visually

Tailors can repair these damaged vanities or you can repair them slowly overtime

things like hats, gloves, eyepatches, rings, etc. may fall off or break

again all these ideas are visual, your items won't actually disappear


Nice idea on the surface, however in a game where armor break and limb loss exists this would confuse players even further. I recommend considering the gameplay impact this has and to change it in a way that represents these features as well.


Ehh IG remove the armor break from hp drop and instead link that to the limb loss only, that should fix the issue you mentioned


wouldnt this require having like 5 models for each item

I’m unsure what type of system Vetex uses for the vanity tear atm, it might not require multiple models

theyre just 2 decals, a white one that gets tinted to your skin tone and a red one overlaying it for cuts/bruises

so yeah things like hats will have a tear decal on them, gloves and stuff will have the same skin decal and the cut decal

how would it look under the hat though?

gloves should be easy since they use decals as well, but hats wouldnt have skin under them and you cant show transparency under a decal on roblox

Unfortunately, this wouldn’t work on account of the fact that the armor in the game is a set “package”. You can’t just take pieces on and off, as it’s really just one singular mesh.

just black lines, it doesn’t need to have holes in them

welp, nvm then. too many limitations

i do not want even more things in this game to be tedious things that make your character look worse that just add another thing to deal with if you want to preserve the look of your character. tanning/dirt is already annoying enough to deal with

Dont think so, if i understand, the torso damage thing is an image slapped on top of the torso, not a hole on the armor… The same could be done to other equipment parts

Like, cuts and arrows get deleted when you redraw your character (either by removing or equiping something)… If it is like yhat, then i see no problem

But damn, dirt is annoying as hell

You could make it so that you need to spend maybe 20 galleons at a tailor to fix/recover them
or you can let your character fix their items or recover them over a long period of time out of combat

But that’s a problem with how to deal with the visual changes, not the changes

As long as the visual changes can be easily undone, there shouldnt be a problem with it

yeah but that is often not the case with these features, and by this suggestion it does not seem like that will be the case if it is to be implemented (which being real most of these are never added anyway)

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I’d say the current injury system is good enough.

Requested by OP