Improvements to Fighting Style Animations

Improvements to Fighting Style Animations
effort 4.0 1 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 5.0 1

Fighting Style Animations

Fighting-style animations are great. You get all the punches, kicks, and headbutts you want. But in some cases, there are improvements to be made.
Some animations just lack any feeling of force or look plain lazy. Not to mention that while you can name moves after specific techniques, you can’t even actually use them!


I will go over various animations and how they can be improved, and if any new ones should be added.

Flying Punch(+all variations): Lacks impact. Maybe add a bit of recoil on its impact animation?

Double Palm: Animation looks more like clapping in your opponent’s face. Maybe make it so the arms are bent, and instead of coming together, they punch out.

Drop Kick: THIS is my biggest issue. The current dropkick is just flying forwards as a wooden plank. This should have the flying animation be in a curled-up pose, and then on impact, the legs kick out, like an actual dropkick. Also, maybe make it sideways.

Headbutt: More like reverse dropkick. Maybe make it less of ‘launch myself like a bullet’ and have the player tilt their head up, swinging it down on impact.

Hooks: They’re fine. My favorites personally.

Kicks: They’re alright, but I personally think they need a bit more power in the kick.

Palm Strikes: Refer back to double palm.

Punches: Yeah, they’re fine.

Uppercuts: I think the arm and body should go further up.

Sledgehammers: No need to change, it’s perfect at what it does.

Spinning Animations: They’re alright, they do what they need to do and that’s it.

Stomps: Perfect. No changes are needed. A forceful stomp.

Ground Slams: Look a bit weird, but makes more sense when you take into account that the move is usually flying down from mid-air.

Back Kicks: I… uh… really have no words. These are just kinda weird.

New Animations

Ya ever want to name your nice kick technique “axe kick” yet you cant actually do an axe kick? (true story)

Axe Kick: When using, fly forwards in the air with the leg raised up. On impact, kick it downwards.

Crescent Kick: When using fly forwards with your leg in the air, but tilted to the side. On impact, swing it to the opposite side while it goes back down.

Roundhouse Kick: I feel like we’ve all seen a roundhouse and I don’t want to explain every type of kick


so uh yeah. all my gripes with fighting style animations. first suggestion woohoo


If magics can cover your entire screen on every attack then fighting styles should get more oomph. Some of them are feeling kinda lacking, so sure.

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Can we add a better “hit” animation? Better impact.

personal addition, the iron leg rushdown animation is really unnatural, especially considering we have great examples across media like fighting game bicycle kick combos


i always thought dropkick means:
pick up the enemy
drop it
when its falling to the ground, in that one timeframe while its in the air, kick the enemy

kick an axe
simple enough

Just keeping this alive

Yeah, I got used to the current ones but I definitely think they could be improved.

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