In your opinion who is your top 10 pvpers of all time in WOM

Nah, violence is hot trash at pvp, he just spams m1s, and 7 is carried by gravity magic

violence is not hot trash
he m1s when he knows he can screw you over and hes damn good at knowing when its a good time to attack. he sometimes loses to 2 but #2 is a literal god at pvp and he loses to violence more than he wins

#7 is also a really good grav user, gravity is pretty hard to use efficiently tbh
yeah its an ancient but its one of the hardest magics to use overall, he just looks like hes carried because grav has a super high potential



i put dimden at #10 because hes really really good and can mop a lot of other high tier players, but i cant put him any higher because he struggles against other top 10 players and cant win against top 3. great benchmark player

snoozer is kinda inconsistent but he can beat anyone else on a good day but he gets mopped on a bad day. because he can potentially beat violence and meow meow on a good day but because he can choke against people who arent even in the list, he goes to #9

jinx plas super safe so she can beat anyone if the fight goes too long, but she can get beaten if the enemy knows exactly what they are doing. its really hard to get the exact strats down, but once its down shes not impossible to beat. because shes a bit more consistent than snoozer, she goes to #8

Gravity_Cat goes to #7 because he plays gravity magic in a super unorthodox but efficient way and since nobody plays gravity, there are very few people who know the exact counterplay. like jinx though if you figure it out, he isnt impossible to beat. since hes a bit harder to figure out compared to jinx he goes to #7

Feline568 is a very good rushdown player, if you let him get close cqc ur dead. he does kinda suck at long range, but its really easy to make a mistake and let him in his range. he has better results than Gravity_Cat so i put him at #6, but you can swap them

DroneSlapper plays the jankiest builds ever and somehow manages to make them work. he has like 6 alts all with different builds. unless if u can play against ANY build like the top 3 can, he kinda stomps. he cant beat WindCat unlike StareAtYou though, so he goes to #5. he is basically Gravity_Cat with 50 variations

ive never seen StareAtYou play but he was #1 a year ago and WindCat says that he can still kick his ass sometimes in private duels, so i put him at #4. idk ive never seen his recent performance

WindCat is #3 because he can put anyone on the list into super uncomfortable positions and screw with their mental. anyone who plays against them knows this, you either die to him because he just wittles your health down or you get obliterated because you fall right into his hands as you try to escape him wittling your hp down. the only way to avoid this is to outplay him, which isnt feasible unless if ur someone like meow meow or violence. he can beat anyone below him but he struggles a bit against #2 and #1, so he is #3.

hes also a wind using metaslave

meow meow is the KING when it comes to mechanical skill and is crazy solid. he also made his build have basically 0 weakness so there goes the idea of trying to play a specific counter. you have to be better than him skill wise to win. he is also probably the most knowledgable player when it comes to the game and can exploit weaknesses in most builds. he still loses to violence because doesnt have the immeasurable game sense/decision making skills that violence does, but if he gains it he will be the best wom player of all time. right now hes #2

violence is #1. man will bring you from full hp down to 0 in 5 seconds if you make even the TINIEST mistake with his m1s. his mechanical skill is weaker compared to meow meow, but his game sense/on the fly decision making skills is ungodly. he beats generalists like dimden and specialists like jinx easily. he isnt immortal as he can lose to snoozer/meow meow/WindCat, but he beats them more then they beat him by a bit, so he takes #1.


also caline is #12 dont @ me

I still haven’t seen an actual full top ten list that wasn’t retarded or just wrong.

Allow me to actually do what none of the dumbasses here can for some reason :neutral_face:

10 @DoubleRun

9 @Suba

8 @Soraa

7 @Xevenant

6 @JTN

5 @Level

4 @DocTheWarBird

3 @Deviable

2 @August

1 @Charon

You’re not in the guild or pvp community. I envy you because you’re not exposed to how aggressive and competitive shit can get.

To put it in simple words. British areas become warzones over a lost game of football. People care because they spend WAY too much time on it.

But the true reason for why people care about wom pvp is not something that can be simplified. Sure you can call them “apes” or “man children” but even that won’t fully summarize just why people give so much of a shit about it.

You quite literally would have to be in the community to know the real reason why. I cant even put it into words myself.

no offense, but i don’t believe doc should be 4th. i believe level, xevenant, and suba would probably have a higher skill level then doc. i don’t know who sora is so i can’t say much about them ,but i don’t think doublerun hasn’t played since 2021 (again, not sure) but that being said, i don’t think he’d be in the top 10 ‘best’

You meant soreo :moyai:

I went by pure memory. If I had gave enough of a shit to find and accurately measure the top ten writing that list out would’ve taken an hour opposed to 10 minutes.

i understand.

hahahahaha I’m well aware, I’ve been exposed to arguably worse, the wild west’s competitive community. I also played against a few players considered to be “the best” (they’re absolutely not the best but just get their ego stroked lol…) so I’m also aware of the egos of “good” competetive players that are actually compensating for a little something usually.

I’m well aware of the reason and the competitiveness…and the ego involved in this type of stuff, and the fact that people just love to compare. What I’m saying is though woms pvp is so bland and not highly skilled, say wtf you want about having to aim & prediction and movement or whatever but thats literally only 3 main things you do in pvp, 0 variety or techniques and the same game plan of pressing Q with jumping while using a meta magic, so I’m just confused how people can hold anyone who pvps highly :confused:

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as a person who was trying to get good at PvP in wom, it was quite the toxic environment, towards players and guilds. i personally had to take breaks since of the negative comparing and how the fact that some people wont respect you if you are bad at pvp, or deem you unimportant/irrelevant. i myself was a victim of that toxicity aswell, and i would be quite disappointed when i lost to players of high reputation. though, TGR made a lot of people more chill and not care about who deems good or bad, i still see it sometimes. its quite sad, but people will mature as time goes on.

some people really need to go outside
just smell the fresh air and feel the green grass

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Yeah, tbh tww’s and wom’s communities are decently similar in a bit of stuff thats why im comparin, but personally i believe twws community to be shitter, especially due to more poeple being immature.

It’s quite basically the same the same thing in tww. Graves, a guy who was considered to be the number “1” player for some time is in a faction called “bleeding falcons”, and holy shit was he and his faction some real pieces of shit (most competetive factions on tww are SUPER toxic), like I’m talking he recently got outed for a pedo level of shit, he also has a giganticly over inflated ego, for example long long time ago when I was factionless and a little worse than I am at thits point I was just casually practicing 1v3s against these 3 random guys, I was winning a decent amount and 1 of those guys happened to be a rando from bleeding falcons (the faction Graves’ is in), and this guy got butthurt and angrily told me he could get “the best player” in game right now and I told him sure and that I’d love to 1v3 him, he got so shocked and mad that I would insult his bitchass owner that he loves putting his lips on his glorious 1 inch cock, and that I’d ever think to even fight him, so long story short he got graves in and pinged his entire faction for a rally (a rally is like calling a faction to hold down a spot/raid it) OVER HIM GETTING BUTTHURT DUE TO BEING DESTROYED IN A 1V3 :skull:, my friend was trying to help me but yeah it was a 2v10 so we didn’t get far and basically all of them were taunting me, graves especially, he was mocking me for landing headshots and calling me a monkey and lucky and whatever. Just goes how fucking despicable the tww competitive scene is.

Also I’m like honestly probably one of the best players, there are no faction goons or even known players that can stomp on me consistently or at all tho i dont play that shit game much anymore cuz its dead so xd

graves expose video (this is very hard to watch) this guy is 24 btw

idk if the video is too bad for this forum but if it is ill remove it and ill dm for anyone who wants

bro… :woman_facepalming:

the only time i played tww was for a gamenight with a guild i used to be in, but I can see how communities can be horribly gross, especially PvP ones. and the sad part is some of the most toxic people I’ve dealt with are 16+ while they were calling others below them (13-14) slurs, etc. people can get wrapped into these games and forget to think of common decency.

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honestly you dodged a massive bullet, i cannot preach more for and against something at the same time, the games good yes, get invested a little, sure. Start getting really into it but not quite competitive, you get disappointed by the lack of transparency of the devs and the game not updating in almost 2 years (holy shit)…Commit a lot and start playing competitive…well you saw the shithole that was

luv you