In your opinion who is your top 10 pvpers of all time in WOM

def not top 10

I’d solo

talos you’ve never even seen me fight LOL

when was the last time talos pvped

GUMMMI is number 4, if not number 3. He is devi but he uses wind

talos guy(suncry founder)

@Broly best pvper

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its my opinion

lol this is so inaccurate

ur doggy

only accurate thing here :cold_face:

nah bro u ain’t top 10

compared to me, these guys are just way better than me
so in my opinion they(including you) are some of the best pvpers ive ever met

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all the respect in the world to aabraham / xevenant i love him but it’s crazy to me that people are comparing him to prime deviable… aab is great but not deviable level.

i saw someone mention doublerun… im not even gonna comment on that. but ima mention some notable names that i think are highly underrated

nocrune - 2nd best eu pvper in my opinion
ourmz/kylesvoice (probably the most underrated one here tbh this man was very good)
icy/flamies (level 60 cap)
duck491 (3rd best eu pvper of all time imo also the king of slow magics)
imminentdefeat / level
me :crazy_face:
iamthebossinhere / zane (i would say he’s the 4th best eu pvper of all time)
astralworks (level 60 cap)
beans (level 60 cap)
zinbomer (5th / 6th best eu pvper )

i left out some names of great pvpers but i think they’re fairly rated

this is an old post but i see everyone disregarding very good players such as
zin zane noc duck, all the good eu pvpers

not to mention they are all at least top 5 eu

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wait, there is pvp in WoM in 2023!? :scream: :scream: :scream:


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My favorite wom player

no joke the best people ive ever fought have been random ass people that ive never seen/heard about

they just kick everyone’s ass then leave to kill mino

maybe there using a lagswitch or somthing idk