Increase the requirements for making a suggestion

It doesn’t surprise me that people might not want to be here for their own reasons, though now I thank you for telling me about this, didn’t know.

That was a good post though.

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15 days of visiting isn’t just “visit 15 times” - you have to have been around for at least two weeks before you can make suggestions. It’s not trivial - only around ~20% of TL1 accounts make it to TL2.

We can’t increase the requirements further without setting the bar to TL3 (regular), which would be absurdly excessive.
There’s only around 100 regulars at any given time. While it’s true that most bad suggestions come from non-regulars, that’s just because most suggestions come from non-regulars.

Ultimately this is an issue we’re only going to be able to fix with moderation, and I think we’re already fine for that - macobre locks bad suggestions pretty fast.
Is there something in particular you think the moderation should be doing?

Well yeah, I know you have to visit 15 days
…Except it’s just visits, you literally keep the forum on your browser for 2 weeks and you are set. It’s definitely not hard, but it’s long

All closed suggestions with <15 votes get deleted

i’d argue visiting 15 days is a hard requirement
It’s not “hard” in the sense that Dark Souls is hard - you don’t need to be clever or skilled in order to make it to TL2, but no rank on the forum is “hard” to get by that definition.
It’s “hard” in the same way sunkens are hard to get - it takes dedication. WoM doesn’t have 2 weeks worth of content, so anyone sticking around long enough to make a suggestion clearly cares about the game.

Closed suggestions fall off Latest pretty fast though, they’re not cluttering up anything - a closed low vote suggestion is effectively deleted for anyone who isn’t actively looking for it.
This wouldn’t really achieve anything except making it harder to find old posts.

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Ok unlist them

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You need to be on the forum for at least 50 days to get regular. That is a bit too strict imo.

That depends whether or not you’re a fan of the game or not. If it’s similar to just a pass time then you probably won’t get it in a long time but if you’re a fan and are dedicated to the community most surely over time you will get it. This doesn’t mean it will be short, it will be long but is still possible and quite easy if you can manage to find a thing to do here.

There is a hardcoded minimum of 50 days visited on the forums to get regular.

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