Incredibly important information collection

ship hulls have always been the main thing when making the build of a ship, what SOME people dont know however is that, each hull changes the model of the steering wheel on a ship, so, post your hulls and the steering wheels in here

Erm wut

now i wish the ship’s wheel was a modifiable part, that’d be so kewl

build maker ship builder mode returning when :pensive:

Yeah I realized this
I don’t feel like taking a screenshot though

Ruined archaic hull

this will apport greatly to the information for that uh wiki project

Here’s a bunch of them from my different files (I cannot bother to spend galleons on this)

Ruined Archaic Hull

(Yes, I am aware that Spectre’s reply showcases it)

Bronze Framing


Light Silver Framing



How my second-week AO file doesn’t have any hull armour is beyond me.

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That silver one looks cool

we need a ship vanity

Full sentence forums :imp:

This is actually so cool wtf

afaik theres 4 models
turning speed, speed, durability and… well neutral i guess