Individual Imbuement Per Skill

Individual Imbuement Per Skill
effort 5.0 5 quality 5.0 5 reasonability 5.0 6

So, this mostly stems from Spirit imbued leaps doing lots of damage but this will also help for the foreseeable future when other builds have two options to work with. (sorry if this is wordy)

I tried to glaze here it didn’t work well so anyway; IMBUEMENT. Vitality builds (and selectorch with his bugged file) has access to multiple imbuements as well as 2nd awakening allowing access to multiple magics and fighting styles for imbuement. So i suggest this. Each move can be individually imbued (or not if you choose to).

So for this example we will assume there are more spirit weapons (lets say fire and wind as well as eagles patrimony). If i have water magic i could choose to imbue blast with fire to make it scald, explosion with wind for some added knockback, leave leap empty without imbuement so i don’t lose hp, Beam with eagles patrimony for paralysis, snare with spirit imbue as maybe i just don’t want an effect, and aura empty so my hp doesn’t drain.

In that situation i got to pick which moves i wanted to have a certain imbuement. While currently this would only truly work best with vitality builds as they have life drain that is hard to deal with and most weapon imbuements are just good, by the time of 2nd awakening with many builds gaining second options for imbuement (and notably savant with too many options to count), being able to choose which imbuements are on which moves rather than having all the moves have the same imbuement will allow for mor move diversity.

I’m not a dev (but discord says so)


Maybe in the spell creation window there is a section for imbuement after awakening (which would likely require a lot of coding), or perhaps by holding down H+(insert spell/move keybind) you could have the imbuement menu appear for that spell only (still a lot of coding but maybe less I’m no dev).
I could choose to imbue water beam with eagles patrimony and leave leap and aura without an imbue



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ok well thats good to know i didn’t see that, but the multi imbue still stands to be good in the future or if some people prefer certain attacks unimbued

I like it. Adds some more utility to Imbues. Gives you the chance to try out multiple synergies, too.

Yes the Leap issue is solved already, but I do like the direction this would go in.

And I don’t see a lore reason why Player Character wouldn’t be able to switch their imbues at will on the fly.

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Hell yeah

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No reason not to have this, it just seems cool and adds more depth to Vitality classes.

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It wasn’t totally fixed, aura still drains health as of 1.16.7.
Don’t know about focus.

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Hell yeah

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just seems unnecessary to me

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Reasons? (if you have any)

too much work for what its worth


Imo, after playing the following; Juggernaut, conjurer, warlock, and a touch of warlord, there are some attacks you definitely prefer to not have imbued, I was lightning sailor for a while and lemme tell you, the smash imbue sucked, but the shot imbue slapped. It definitely has it’s uses and while it shouldn’t be in the forefront it should be added at some point.

It will probably take a long time to implment since it might involve a complete imbuement revamp, plus the fact of Vetex wanting to focus on the PvE aspects of AO. Still, I like the sound of this idea and hope that Vetex might see this.

This while having PvP in mind when writing would still work great with PvE (Npc savants may go wild but for players diversity of moves in combat)


when conj gets its second awakening with two magics this will be needed

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