Insanity and Warding make no sense

Insanity and Warding make absolutely no sense, i did some testing with a friend, and found out that i have no clue how insanity and warding works, or if it even works. (it probably doesnt)

Experiment results to note:
i got warding 3 from potion, then insanity 4, i started taking damage (10% * 0.4 per tick), after i equipped a warding item to get warding 4 the damage did not half (to 10% * 0.2) as expected, but then it did after i re-equipped an insanity item. so warding effect does not seem to update all the time?
another thing that happened is that i got insanity 5 (from items) and warding 3 (from potion effect) and took no damage (how??) but saw effects (which the wiki said insanity 5 does not have effects).
another thing is that i somehow stacked potion effects and got warding 6 from 2 warding 3 potions.

My talk:
Generally you cannot decide why there are effects, or why there aren’t effects. Sometimes warding works, sometimes it doesn’t, sometimes insanity works and sometimes it just doesn’t.
It is absolutely not clear how insanity and warding should work, ive seen videos of guys entering dark sea range 6 and having insanity 5 but not dying while only having warding 4, but taking damage from dark sea range 5’s insanity 4. so it is not clear if insanity 5 is different from items and dark sea, cuz insanity 4 seems to behave the same from items, as from dark sea.
please fix the bugs, and make it obvious what is possible and what isnt, cuz no player wants to grind 50 hours on an insanity 5 warding 5 build to know that it is actually impossible? or maybe it is possible cuz ive seen people not die in insanity 5 range in the dark sea, and i myself didnt die from insanity 5 armor set. sometimes.

What were you doing before bug occurred:
equip insanity and get splashed with warding by a friend

Steps to reproduce:
equip insanity and get warding, idk specifics

F9 Logs ( press f9 to view them in-game):
Nothing that alludes to any error regarding this.

How did i even get an effect stack here??? (i had warding 6 from potions only, which should be impossible)
I tested and it never happened again, i got only stacking duration (drinking 2 warding 2 potions gives warding 2 for 2 times as long)

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