Insanity & Some problems

Insanity right now is compeltely client-sided and visual except for T4 and above, but we are pretending they dont exist. This makes it so its easy to exploit it client-side to remove the effects.

Effects such as the Purple Flames (You can just delete the texture on your end to remove it basicaly), Inversion (Invert inversion), and random messages from yourself (If you can’t ignore it, just delete the sound) can easily be subverted and bypassed by simple stuff. More advanced exploits can removed the Zoom in.

Because these exploits only affect client-side, they are virtually impossible to detect and moderate. Heck, people already do this to a extent by using the FPS improvement mods, so its not out of the question that there are people who do this for the insanity effects
(Plus the poor low-end PC users are going to suffer from the purple flames effect so much)

Heres some examples of insanity that could be implemented to alleviate this (In my eyes) problem (Some mine)

Don’t Starve Insanity
Serversided enemies that are all over the place that are invisible to non-insanity users but are visible to insanity users. Will not damage or aggro onto players without insanity.
Higher insanity = More damage, more agro range. They have no collisions and are basicaly flying ghosts to make it easier for the server, but the downside will be this’ll cost alot of server resources

Boring but easy to implement option
You can make insanity negative stats, such as:

  • Negative regeneration
  • Energy Cost increased
  • Hunger drains faster

Information Insanity
T1 insanity - You can damage your own teammates, party members, your own boat. You also cannot see which islands are claimed by which clan
T2 insanity - Party markers and clan logo’s above peoples heads are invisible, names above peoples heads are gone, chat is gone (oh no), leaderboard is gone
T3 insanity - All enemies regardless of affilation target you (Ravenna guards while your disguised, GN while you’re positive rep). You wont be able to kill players though, so assasin syndicate member can’t go I3 and kill their own clan members
T4 and above - Keep it the same, as in damages you over time

Any discussion around Insanity is welcome, I just currently dont like how its implemented (Gives as much stats as a powerful enchant at the cost of mild annoyance)

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suggestion outside of suggestion, but it’s a pretty decent one
but I don’t think spawning enemies is the right way to go about this

I dont have suggestion perms plus the people in suggestions will rip me apart for trying this

Also yeah, I know about the spawning enemies thing. It was rejected (I’m pretty sure by vetex himself), but I just wanted to remind people the idea was still there

I made it easier on the server by making them ghosts that just folows you around and damages you if they touch you.

personally i find insanity more of an annoyance than something actually harming my gameplay experience, so i dont have an opinion about this one

i dislike the ‘insanity enemies’ though

I hate insanity visuals, so i never use insanity anyways. The enemies would be a bit unfair though for those who use insanity

tbh I like insanity as it and these changes might just make insanity investment worse than drawback

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Thats fair, it got rejected for a reason

I’m still bringing it up as a potential solution, though a unlikely one

no trading? just from insanity 1? no shot bro.

he doesnt know that you can access trading from another menu

But the leaderboard is the easiest way to do it

It is but you can still trade somewhere else

I’m thinking of moving the “No leaderboard” to I2, since it is quite harsh and a bit of a pain

yeah, it definetely shouldn’t be insanity 1

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no lb on my screen is a W in my books

ngl would make insanity builds non viable

um you necroposted you should get banned :+1:

necroing doesnt neccecarilly mean instant ban its only ban if you do it too much(i think)
plus im just sayin it wouldnt be a good idea to do the insanity stuff

2 months isn’t that big of a deal…


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