Internet, please manage to get this message to @transfemcel on Instagram

I got in trouble, and can’t use Instagram. I’m doing whatever I can to get in contact with this one individual. If anyone has an IG account just tag her with an image of this post or DM her like ‘some kid’s trying to find you lmao’ with my forums username. I’m sorry mods, I have a mission here.

P.S. If you call me ‘that one midshit you were talking to a few days ago’ she’ll understand it’s me

Who the fuck uses instagram in 2024?

i’m glad to be rid of it but I do still need somebody to contact this mf :sob:

Why what happened

(I don’t have insta but I do have facebook, though I rarely ever use it.)

normal people?

I got in trouble and banned from using ig :sob:
\ btw it includes her tiktok :speaking_head:

I do wish you luck with your endeavor, but unfortunately I can’t help you out here. Sorry mate.

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why do you want to speak with them?

shes my friend I only have her ig

delusion :100: