Inventory Loading Priority

Inventory Loading Priority
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0

Now I’m going to say outright that I’m not completely sure this is possible or how it’d be done.

I think that inventory loading times can get ready out of hand really fast and its only going to get worse and worse as players grind more and new content is added.
I straight up have to wait 5 minutes between every equip.

I believe one solution for this would be to load items based on a priority system and that all items should load in your inventory in this order:

1: Weapon ammo and cannonballs
2: Equipped items and items with any filled jewel sockets.
3: Legendary tier items and unsocketed jewels
4: Exotic tier items
5: Rare items and uncrafted gemstones.
6: Potion and food items
7: Uncommon armor/accessories
8: Common armor/accessories

The first 6 categories should pass by very quickly due to being only a small handful of items while the problems start to rise with 7 and 8 since that makes up the vast majority of items in your inventory.

idk if this would fix it but ammo should definitely be at the very top. Having a large inv makes guns completely unfeasible since you have to wait for your inventory to load all the way down to your bullets before you can fire


I didn’t even think of that, yea that makes sense.


I’m surprised that nearly 0 discussion has happened here yet.
I was kinda hoping more people would do what Mimhere did and point out something I missed and why its important lol.

Huh, so thats why the ammo loading is slow, even at 100 ping

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