Inventory Management?

i know this has been briefly discussed before, but an inventory sorting system is probably at the top of my wishlist right now. scrolling through all your stuff in order to find that one specific item is ridiculously tedious–especially when you have duplicates of that item but for a different level. i know vetex plans to implement a favoriting system, but would we ever get options to sort by item type, level, enchanted/unenchanted, etc? the addition of a search bar would help a lot too.


Very true, there could even be a sorting system implemented where there are tabs for different item types (weapons, armor, etc.) and in each tab you could sort those items by their level, rarity, color, and so on.

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all i pray at night for is an inventory search bar :pensive:

Yeah I mentioned this in a separate post. Every time I open my inventory, it lags and I can never find anything :frowning:

that would be a literal godsend!! rn it’s such a pain in the ass to trade/sell since people want specific colors, levels, and enchants

Sort by recent/currently equipped pls

just sorting at all would be a godsend
it sucks having to scroll all the way down to get to that one item you traded for

Have a filter system.

Sort by colour, sort by level, sort by type (accessory, weapon) boom ez

im also tired of duplicate items taking up inventory space simply because they were initially owned by different people…like wouldn’t it make more sense for them to all stack regardless and then have the initial owner info available if you click into it?

That’s not how it works is it? I thought they separated because of enchantment and level differences??

they do, but they also separate by owners

i have both of these in my inven & they don’t stack
Screen Shot 2020-06-26 at 6.45.35 PM Screen Shot 2020-06-26 at 6.45.27 PM

That’s actually disgusting. Nobody gives a shite about the og owner :unamused:

We definitely need a favouriting system and a search bar at the very least, filters would be nice too.

I think vetex is going to add an inventory management system similar to the one he has in AA soon

I would be up for that

You guys must carry alot of stuff in your inventory :face_with_raised_eyebrow: maybe I’m not opening enough chests

You probably aren’t doing a lot of chest hunting like some of us are lol.