Is anyone else getting this!?

If reinstalling it doesn’t already do it, try looking up a video about deleting roblox logs.

So you haven’t tried clearing the DNS cache? Because it could be telhe fix, and you fix it by opening command prompt and typing a single command.

If you’re on windows, open the search bar that you get when you press the windows logo, and search for “CMD” and open the hackerman black box thing.
Type the following, single cmand to flush your DNS cashe:

ipconfig /flushdns

Your DNS cache is now gone poof.

Why do I think doing this would fix it, well I googled the error codes, both the http error 400 and Roblox error code 610, I got these 2 website, telling me how to fix the thing:

Theu both mentioned clearing the DNA cache, so might be just an easy fix with that.

He’s not on windows


The cache can be deleted manually in files too tho

The cache can mess up the client when it gets too full, it happens to me sometimes. I’d try it just in case.

No offence to your certainty, but have you tried it?
And are you on Windows, I missed that bit of info?

H e ’ s n o t

i’m on a fucking macintosh and i fucking hate myself rn for choosing this

Try to manually clear the files. It’s always worth a try.

that could work
i’ll probably get some random fuckin’ video on the internet to show me how to do it

Welp, I will just point you to flushing that DMS again, another 2 links but for macOS:

They say the same things, the seconds one just talks about more mac versions, so just in case.

what a surprise downloading another client did nothing file wiping it is

inputted the thing into terminal
guess we gotta fucken wait now

good luck :pray:

it’s been five minutes
i’m getting anxious


i’m scared to go to bed
even if it’s 9PM
i need that cache to be gone

I have actually had this problem before

The random sites I found said it will take a moment for it to be done, but 10 minutes?
That’s one chonky cache you got there, it might as well be the root of the problem.