Is AO PvP really worse than Deepwoken's?

It’s been almost 2 years since the Beta release of Arcane Odyssey. Now let’s be honest, we all saw videos talking about how Deepwoken PvP is better than AO, how the lore is more progressive, how it is more successful at character building and giving elevated feelings of awe and adventure, and we all said that AO is still in beta, it is this that and those.

But now, we are closer to the Full release than ever before, and PvP is almost the same as it was at the release. I am not talking about optimization problem as the game has so many things going on, yes, it can be improved but its mostly an issue of Roblox’s engine.

What REALLY went wrong? I’m tired of people saying Deepwoken PvP is better than AO all the time, but it is a fact that AO PvP doesn’t really give that feeling, am I wrong? :sob: :sob:

It’s a fact that AO much more skill based, especially at aiming and timing but most of the builds only spam one or two spells or keys. What could be done to improve? Is there is a hope for AO PvP after all that Vetex said? Also, how in the world the new palyers going to get those shiny delicious sunkens?! :sob: :sob:
SW set

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deepwoken is absolute mid compared to AO, only good thing about it is Here is the high res version of Destroyman III, in case anyone needs it : r/deepwoken
I rest my case

Deepwoken PvP may be better than ao right now, but that’s gonna change soon if ragoozer has anything to say about it

I think the one thing deepwoken does have over AO is it’s PvP ironically (and visuals too of course), while it’s lore, exploration, PvE, etc etc are all either at the same level of AO’s or below

Despite how Deepwoken PvP is incredibly unbalanced and significantly build based, it is still somehow less build based than AO’s. With deep, even if your build is horrendous and your opponent has the meta-of-the-week build, you can still manage to win if you are a complete parry demon and avoid the one tap combos.

In AO, if your build is significantly worse than your opponents, your done. Cooked. Finished. God forbid you only have 1.4k health or something, you shall get 3 tapped by your meta maxing opponent. Your only option is to run.

I think the problem lies in just how much your build can be minmaxxed here.
You can get the best armor (usually sunken, which most people can’t get their hands on), dark sea enchants, and then maxed out dark sea gems. Literally the damage and health of a boss being controlled by a usually pretty skilled player.


:broken_heart: more likely to improve at deepwoken combat than arcane odyssey combat

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parry and positioning needs to be buffed, ik this doesnt say much on how but its 2 am and i don’t feel like writing and essay on how

AO’s issue to me lies in the “you are what you wear” system for stats, and the lack of meaningful sub-goals in combat. Your only objective in PVP is to lower the opponent’s HP to 0. There’s no stuns to go for that aren’t practically handed to you by your magic combo, there’s nothing to build up over the course of the fight, and several of the builds have VERY similar playstyles; tell me there’s a meaningful difference between how a lightning mage and shadow mage play the game.

Like, if there was a poise system of sorts, or if magics had different things to work towards during a fight, then I think we’d have something special. As of now? Ehhhh, it’s decent, but not spectacular.

Also, players are just WAY too mobile and it’s virtually impossible to hit them with things like blast, javelin, or snare.


That’s absolutely one of the biggest problems, a very good build can even kill best pvpers without a doubt

Different strokes for different people, but yes, AO PvP is in fact worse than Deepwoken PvP.

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Deepwoken PvP is better than AO’s, but it fails basic game design 90% of the time with everything else so it really isn’t worth it.

yeah like some builds are straight out broken
like fought some fighting style guy who had 1.9k HP with pretty large aoe and ended me in one combo (2 moves). For reference, I have 2k HP.
Took me 2 tries before I was able to adapt and win :sob:

this only got worse when they decided to add voidwalkers lol

Aiming: Arcane Odyssey > Deepwoken
Strategy: Arcane Odyssey < Deepwoken
IQ needed: Arcane Odyssey < Deepwoken
Variety: Arcane Odyssey > Deepwoken
Skill ceiling: Depends on the build used
Beginner friendly: Arcane Odyssey >>>>> Deepwoken
Movement: Arcane Odyssey > Deepwoken
Hand eye coordination: Arcane Odyssey < Deepwoken
Parry combat: Arcane odyssey > Deepwoken
Parry combat skill ceiling: Arcane Odyssey << Deepwoken
Simplicity: Arcane Odyssey > Deepwoken


I think trying to compare two very different gameplays and outlining one’s pvp as better than another is a lil’ weird. I prefer deep’s PVP but i hesitate to call it better when the only mechanics really comparable to AO’s are “there is a parry mechanic in both” and even then AO’s is not anywhere as central to the core gameplay as DW’s is so that feels like an unfair comparison.

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I say DW’s is better because I find AO’s actively unenjoyable even in the best case scenario and have literally never had a positive experience with it from WoM Open Test 1 to now.


I may not like DW but I can definitely say the pvp is significantly better when compared to AO’s

I enjoy ao pvp way more as long as im not fighting a turret mage. Its not fun to play a class that uses the same 2 moves over and over win or lose its boring.

Otherwise ao is pretty fun lots of counter play and movement. Hopefully combat gets more layers to it as updates come. Im sure it will.

I think AO PvP is better, solely because I find hitstun fucking horrendous to play with and against. I hate it. I prefer the fluid/movement based combat of AO.

Objectively speaking, Deepwoken has a better combat system than Arcane Odysseys. Both games have an accurate description, but when it comes to a variety of options… well, lets just say Arcane Odyssey really falls short.

People have mentioned this already, but you really don’t have much of a choice when it comes to viable options in Arcane Odyssey. Firstly, the combat system doesn’t work in a way that genuinely encourages a progression of skill, while Deepwokens PVE can actually improve and prepare players in aspects of PVP.

For example, Arcane Odysseys combat is extremely unforgiving, ping based, and aim based. While you play the game, you won’t get a real taste of that super-fast based, low attack window combat that AOs PVP runs. Players will be used to enemies that have specific timeframes for when it is and is not safe to attack, timeframes that can be predicted and are sometimes difficult to miss. Even with NPCs, although they may never miss a shot, they don’t necessarily dodge incoming attacks either.

In AO, your build dictates your gameplay so much so that you really can just turn your brain off and spam keys on your keyboard until your enemies die. Sometimes you only have to push a singular button to unleash 700-900 damage not including DOT. In contrast, Deepwoken has clear counterplays to spamming and mindless gameplay that forces both players to engage and pay attention to each other’s movements.

I think it can be comparable to a stat chart, where one play may have an A in offense but a C in defense, and another might have a B in offense and an A in defense… like Gamehero said, there are a variety of combat styles you can take on in Deepwoken, and the thing they all share is that each and everyone has the same weakness- the F key.

Arguably AOs combat has the same weakness, but the difference is that there are little to no cooldowns in the game. If you wanted to focus on parrying, you’ll just end up eating every shot your opponent throws at you. No need for timely ability usage when the move you used half a second ago is already off cooldown.

I enjoy Arcane Odysseys PVP, and in my opinion its only better because I just find it more fun. But if we’re speaking from a logical/more critical angle, Deepwoken is just better.


I’d say AO has more strategy than Deepwoken since DW is more reaction time based than planning