Is Arcane Odyssey Dark Sea a roguelike or a roguelite?

Dark sea, is sorta like rogue. It has permadeath mechanics and is procedurally generated, sailing througg the dark sea is like crawling through a dungeon in rogue.

  • Dark sea is a roguelike
  • Dark sea is a roguelite
  • Dark sea isn’t any of above but has elements of rogue
  • Dark sea isn’t any of the above
0 voters

dark sea isn’t exactly rogue but u do go through different levels/layers and when u die u go back to bronze sea but u dont lose anything

You loose all your Dark Sealed Chests

Nothing as of your file/inventory. It’s more risk and reward without the extreme losses of a rogue game.

The Dark Sea should wipe your file ngl

Never cook again.

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Would be too boring, if its not giving perma-ban for dying)))

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The dark sea doesn’t give you temporary boosts and upgrades that you lose when you die. It’s more of an inverted, super light extraction game where the only stuff you’re risking are the sealed, but you keep all the items and shit

Yeah, this exactly. None of the stuff you get in the Dark Sea is temporary unless you decide it is, and Sealeds provide no bonus until you leave

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