I want to know if Exiled chest piece is worth a Sunken chest piece and if not what else is it worth?
Sunken is worth WAY more. You will probably just get other boss gear at best from that.
exile armor is a downgrade comparing to sunken
According to the rules of trading, you can never trade for something worth twice more than your offer. For instance, if an item is worth 600 Crowns, and you want to upgrade to item that cost 1,200 Crowns, that is simply not a fair trade. You are actually ripping off the other person, though I doubt that someone would be silly enough to accept a trade like that, seeing that what they are getting in return is a GIANT downgrade.
So what will I have to add to to make it worth the trade?
You can try adding two of the same item, but I doubt it is going to work.
there are rules to trading? link please
there are none and i dont think this guy actually knows the values by the way hes speaking
dont waste your time lol
yeah i realize now. by his logic, if i traded a headless head for a bursting exiled chestplate lvl 90 then im getting stonks
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